On Saturday 05 December 2009, Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Hamish <hamis...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Markus wrote:
> >>  I type in bash CTRL-R and a fraction of what I remember of
> >> the name, then maybe another few CTRL-R to cycle to the right
> >> one. Enter and I see it.
> >
> > fwiw I find ^r a bit confusing to use. (user ignorance of the sublties
> > I'm sure..)
> I am working on many different remote systems, so I try to learn
> the necessary minimum rather than focusing on a personal
> optimization (sure I agree that that is handy if you work on
> your only one or a few machines).
> ...
> > for one thing I'd consider running that tunneled over ssh+X to a remote
> > number cruncher, but not a real GUI. a while ago while traveling and
> > only a borrowed win2k + puTTY to work with I rigged up a system where
> > the png driver wrote the display image across to a apache public dir
> > which I could reload in the web browser. not ideal, but it worked.
> Right, working over ssh in GRASS is very common for me (70% of
> overall time, often even over unstable connections). So I learned to
> love "screen" to not crash the GRASS session. The d.* approach
> consumes little resources only, that's why I like it so much...


I would just like to mention that several GRASS users in our research group 
use GRASS in this way. The ability to check on remote jobs via d.* commands 
is critical to the way we use GRASS. I am not insisting that we preserve 
them, however, it would be nice to have similar functionality in GRASS 7. 
Loading the current GUI over a slow SSH connection is not really an ideal 

So far it sounds like a wrapper than sets environmental variables is a good 
start. I suppose that would work, with some kind of auto-refresh png viewer.

Is it possible to use the Wx canvas (without all of the other GUI stuff) such 
that it can be written to with d.* commands?


> Will later comment more on a previous mail of Michael.
> Markus
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Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis
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