On Monday 01 March 2010, Rich Shepard wrote:
>    The output maps from r.slope.aspect. r.resamp.rst, and even r.topidx the
> output maps have values for each cell rather than trends. This is very
> difficult to interpret by non-technical viewers.
>    I've seen maps of slopes, profile and planar curvature, and topographic
> wetness indices that are more smoothly colored. If one wants to determine
> the curvature of slopes adjacent to a specific cell at its base it would be
> easier to see this if the values do not change with each cell. When we
> stand at the foot of a hill we tend to not focus on each detail of the
> terrain but the overall slope, profile curvature, and planar curvature.
> It's this type of overview that I'm trying to display.
>    Is there a way to get smoother output maps that are visually more
> informative to non-specialists?
> Rich
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Hi Rich,

I have found that with a certain amount of smoothing (r.param.scale , 
r.neighbors) and the right color scheme (r.colors [-e]) one can generate 
pretty nice looking maps that display overall trends. 

One thing to remember-- most GRASS modules are geared towards analysis-- 
making pretty maps comes second.


Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis
grass-user mailing list

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