On Tuesday 02 March 2010, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> > I have found that with a certain amount of smoothing (r.param.scale ,
> > r.neighbors) and the right color scheme (r.colors [-e]) one can generate
> > pretty nice looking maps that display overall trends.
> Dylan,
>    I used r.param.scale extensively; will learn r.neighbors.
> > One thing to remember-- most GRASS modules are geared towards analysis--
> > making pretty maps comes second.
>    That's very true. However, when the analytical results need to be
> presented to non-technical decision-makers (lawyers, regulators,
> politicians) it's vital that the presentations be visually attractive. It
> adds credibility to the analytical results and, like typeset docuements
> rather than word processed ones, makes them more easily accepted.

I agree 100% -- All I was getting at was that the nice map-making requires 
some creativity. If you have some time check out GMT-- it can generate some 
very nice looking maps in PS/EPS format. There are some scripts on the GRASS 
add-ons wiki page with some ideas. 


Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis
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