Hi all,

The v.out.gpsbabel module is wonderful. I particularly like the way to automatically reprojects data into Lat/LonWGS84.

I have been importing multiple GPS tracks (of hiking trails) into GRASS for "averaging", then using v.out.gpsbabel to export a .gpx track format for use on my GPS. I recently used v.drape to pull elevations from a DEM into the vector, and had hoped that using v.out.gpsbabel to export the resulting 3D vector would automatically export the elevation into the standard "ele" GPX data field. Unfortunately, the elevations all exported as 0.

Am I missing an option to have v.out.gpsbabel do this automatically? If not, this would be a nice enhancement.

If not, is there a workaround I can use?

The v.out.gpsbabel manual indicates that an attribute field named "ele" would be exported as elevation, but I can't quite figure out how to get the elevation from wherever it is stored in a 3D vector (associated with vertex geometry?) into an attribute table and from there into an exported track.

Since the exported track needs an elevation associated with each track point (rather than line), I created a points vector using v.to.points - v, added an "ele" column to layer 2 (the layer with cats for the points), and then used v.what.rast to pull elevation values from a DEM into the "ele" column.

Unfortunately, when I tried to use v.out.gpsbabel layer=2 -w to export to waypoints (or -t to export to tracks) it fails with the following error: /Applications/GRASS-6.4.app/Contents/MacOS/scripts/m.proj: line 197: [: : integer expression expected ERROR: Error reading categories: [ -76.28746517 39.40506425 0.00000000]
   ERROR: Error reprojecting data

By the way, the first line (m.proj: line 197:[: : integer expression expected) occurs every time I use v.out.gpsbabel, even when it successfully exports a .gpx file.

Any ideas what is going on here? Other ways to 3D vector elevations exported into a .gpx track file?

I am running William Kyngesburye's 6.4RC5-3 on Mac OS X Leopard.

Thanks, -Dwight
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