Hi Peter,

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Peter Gardner <geep...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I can't create a new location from EPSG code 3395 (WGS 84 / World Mercator).
> I grab 3395 from the list of codes, or just enter 3395, and click "Define 
> Location":

- which GRASS version
- which operating system?
- cmd line or older tcl GUI or new wx GUI?

I have tried with the new location manager - no problem with
current GRASS 6.4.

> g.proj returns the following message:
> ERROR: region for current mapset is not set
> run "g.region"
> GRASS lists Location newLocation with Mapset PERMANENT but I can't
>  "Enter Grass". I am blocked by a popup:
> Warning: <PERMANENT> is not a valid mapset
> I click OK but nothings happens. So I can't proceed any further.
> I get the same problem with:
> 2157 (Irish Transverse Mercator)
> 2193 (New Zealand Transverse Mercator)
> 2192 (France EuroLambert)
> Anybody know how I should be using EPSG codes?
> Or does this suggest a faulty installation of grass?
> Or (perish the thought) a bug in grass?

... or a too old GRASS version...? With some of your answer above
we may be able to help you.

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