
My name is Monica and I'm a grad students of Environmental Systems analysis.
To a final project I have been developing all my work on GRASS (6.4.0)
(Linux) which includes not only using GRASS' modules but adding a few ones
(simples). My idea was, at the end of the project, give an Linux Installer
of GRASS with all my added modules and edited Menubars.
But, yesterday I realized that "Linux is no good" for my department so I
need to do exacly this but with winGRASS. I gave a look around and:
- imposible doing with winGRASS binary since it does not support to add more
files than the ones already included
- OSGEO4W not possible because it's installing a GRASS version available at
OSGEO server. I would have to "substitute" that version :)
Any suggestions of doing a stand-alone installer of GRASS plus a few modules
of my own?

Thanks congrats for the excellent free-open-source software
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