On 06/11/2010 12:58 AM, Monica Buescu wrote:
> Greetings
> My name is Monica and I'm a grad students of Environmental Systems analysis.
> To a final project I have been developing all my work on GRASS (6.4.0)
> (Linux) which includes not only using GRASS' modules but adding a few ones
> (simples). My idea was, at the end of the project, give an Linux Installer
> of GRASS with all my added modules and edited Menubars.
> But, yesterday I realized that "Linux is no good" for my department so I
> need to do exacly this but with winGRASS. I gave a look around and:
> - imposible doing with winGRASS binary since it does not support to add more
> files than the ones already included
> - OSGEO4W not possible because it's installing a GRASS version available at
> OSGEO server. I would have to "substitute" that version :)
> -
> Any suggestions of doing a stand-alone installer of GRASS plus a few modules
> of my own?
> Thanks congrats for the excellent free-open-source software
> Monica

1. Modify the OSGeo Live DVD with your changes and give that to people.

2. Use NSIS to build an installer that includes the winGRASS installer
and your files. It allows you to reference installer exe within your
installation. You'll just need to look at the docs for how to reference
the directory where GRASS gets installed correctly.

3. Checkout a copy of the winGRASS source and build a custom version
(You can add files). Notice they also uses NSIS, here's the script that
builds their installer
I think the downside to this method is you'll need to compile GRASS too.

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