Hi Leonardo
this morning I try your trick :-p
But can you explain in more detail the handling ..

I run Grass
Run R in GARSS
He make an erreur
Erreur dans as.data.frame(Vine1)

So if you can get me more help... :-)
Thank tou

Le 28/07/10 20:21, Leonardo Hardtke a écrit :
> Hi!
> I never used clustTool before.
>  I made a try and i think I found the trick :-).
>  You have to transform your (SpatialPointDataFrame) data to a dataframe...
>     Vine1.df=as.data.frame(Vine1)
>  and then you can "Set acctive data" in the GUI!
> hope it helps!
> Leonardo
> On 07/27/2010 09:06 PM, Etienne DELAY (deust 2010) wrote:
>> Le 27/07/10 20:35, Hamish a écrit :
>>> Leonardo wrote:
>>>> you can run R in a grass terminal, and load data via
>>>> spgrass6 package,
>>>> readRAST6 or readVECT6.
>>> see  http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/R_statistics
>> Thank you Leonardo, but I read it, without understanding much more about
>> the use of clustTool... (it's ok whit readVECT ;-) )
>> I dont understand...
>> library(spgrass6)
>> Vine1<- readVECT6("vineyardheroiq...@etienne")
>> library(clustTool)
>> it's run a graphical windows...
>> an I can't choose my data.... ;-(
>> so I need an other help....
>> thank you
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Etienne DELAY
Deust "Webmaster et gest. d'intranet" (IDSkype : etienne.delay.tic)
Master IUP "valorisation du patrimoine et aménagement du territoire"
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