Hi Dylan and everybody
I'm come back. I have past this week on R for uderstand what you do in
Now it's great for R but... I don't understand how make a loop in grass
in the web site we can read

for x in `seq 1 5`
do v.extract --o in=bclust where="cluster=$x" out=bclust_$x
v.hull --o in=bclust_$x out=bclust_hull_$x
d.vect bclust_hull_$x type=boundary fcol=none width=2 col=white
d.vect bclust icon=basic/box fcol=black col=black size=6

but I have an error and I dont understand very well how work the loop?

My message error is

Sorry <1> is not a valid option
Sorry <5> is not a valid option

Thank you ;-)


Etienne DELAY
Deust "Webmaster et gest. d'intranet" (IDSkype : etienne.delay.tic)
Master IUP "valorisation du patrimoine et aménagement du territoire"
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