On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Hamish <hamis...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Markus N:
>> > ...does /opt/grass/include/ contain anything? Does it have
>> > a subdirectory grass/ with a series of .h files? This are
>> > needed and not found above since there is something wrong
>> > with your paths.
> LeeDaniel:
>> The directory /opt/grass/include/grass/ does indeed exist
>> and it's got 89 *.h files and four folders. Maybe it's just
>> looking at the wrong path?
>> > What reports
>> > echo $GISBASE
>> > in a GRASS session?
>> It returns
>> /opt/grass
>> So it looks like my GISBASE is where my package manager
>> installed it. At least that's where the relevant files are.
> try
> cd /to/where/r.area/is/
> # should see main.c here
> make MODULE_TOPDIR=/opt/grass/

I guess he's hit by this problem:

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