LeeDaniel wrote:

> Its value is used to initialise a few other variables, which need to
> > be changed when building without the source tree:
> > 
> >         ARCH_DISTDIR = $(GRASS_HOME)/dist.$(ARCH)
> >         ARCH_BINDIR     = $(GRASS_HOME)/bin.$(ARCH)
> >         ERRORLOG        = $(GRASS_HOME)/error.log
> > 
> > If you're building against an installed version, ARCH_DISTDIR should
> > be set to the installation directory (e.g. /usr/local/grass-6.4.0RC6),
> > ARCH_BINDIR shouldn't matter, and ERRORLOG can be set to any absolute
> > filename.
> Alright. I took out the variable $ARCH_DISTDIR and replaced it with
> /opt/grass/. So the three lines the GRASS dirs are now:

> RUN_GISBASE         = 
> /usr/src/packages/BUILD/grass-6.4.0RC6/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu

This should also be /opt/grass (or wherever GRASS is installed).

> Alright. Tried it out by navigating into the folder with r.area. Here are
> the results:

> gcc -I/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu/include

It would appear that any change to ARCH_DISTDIR was incorrect. The
above is what you would get if you left

        ARCH_DISTDIR = $(GRASS_HOME)/dist.$(ARCH)

but GRASS_HOME was unset.

> main.c:19:23: schwerwiegender Fehler: grass/gis.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis
> nicht gefunden
> Kompilierung beendet.

If you're going to post build output to the mailing list, run:

        export LC_ALL=C

in the shell before running "make".

Glynn Clements <gl...@gclements.plus.com>
grass-user mailing list

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