I have just tried to start the same command from the GRASS shell  (same
machine and same GRASS database and location) and it gets stuck also.

GRASS 7.0.0svn (222):~/Grass_test > r.composite red=B5@PERMANENT
green=B4@PERMANENT blue=B3@PERMANENT output=mycompo
Creating color table for output raster map...
Writing raster map <mycompo>...

Running the same command in GRASS GUI (command shell) on Windows works fine
and creates a composite in a few seconds. I am starting to think that it is
due to the way I installed Grass on this Linux machine (I used the
following link


2015-02-11 10:42 GMT+01:00 Pietro <peter.z...@gmail.com>:

> Dear Pierric,
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Pierric de Laborie
> <pierric.delabo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I don't understand why Grass seems to get stuck on the following Python
> > command :
> >
> >
> r.composite(red="B4",green="B3",blue="B2",output="mycomposite",quiet=QUIET,overwrite=OVR)
> Have you tried to run the same command in BASH in a normal GRASS
> shell? Does it work?
> if yes, can you run a python interpreter inside the GRASS shell and
> see if calling the module from pygrass it works or not.
> Just some ideas to understand where could be the problem.
> All the best
> Pietro
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