I wonder if there is any idea/intention to built in kind of a check mechanism for modules applicable to raster data. This, and the Εxtent concept as well, are most frequent problems/inattentions.


On 12.02.2015 10:33, Pierric de Laborie wrote:
Thanks for your input. This was probably the reason why. Grass defaulted
the region to the raster with the highest resolution.

2015-02-12 9:23 GMT+01:00 Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il>:

 On 11/02/2015 14:55, Pierric de Laborie wrote:

 Dear Pietro,

I ran the same command with the highest level of verbose. Unfortunately it didn't give much more information when blocking at the problematic step.

I also started the same command from GRASS GUI on another debian machine and it got stuck also. It is like the installation on Debian Wheezy doesn't
fully work (?)

 GRASS 7.0.0svn (222):~/Grass_test >* g.gisenv set="DEBUG=5"      *

 D1/1: G_set_program_name(): g.gisenv
D1/5: G_set_program_name(): g.gisenv
D2/5: G_option_to_separator(): key = separator -> sep = '/'

 GRASS 7.0.0svn (222):~/Grass_test > * r.composite red=B5@PERMANENT
green=B4@PERMANENT blue=B3@PERMANENT output=mycompo*

 D1/5: G_set_program_name(): r.composite
D2/5: G_file_name(): path = /tmp/grassdata/222/PERMANENT
D2/5: G_file_name(): path = /tmp/grassdata/222/PERMANENT/cell/mycompo
D2/5: G_file_name(): path = /tmp/grassdata/222/PERMANENT/WIND
D2/5: G_file_name(): path = /tmp/grassdata/222/PERMANENT/WIND
D2/5:   file open: read (mode = r)
D2/5: G__read_Cell_head
D2/5: G__read_Cell_head_array
D3/5: region item: proj:       1
D3/5: region item: zone:       32
D3/5: region item: north:      3948015
D3/5: region item: south:      0
D3/5: region item: east:       841215
D3/5: region item: west:       0
D3/5: region item: cols:       841215
D3/5: region item: rows:       3948015
D3/5: region item: e-w resol:  1
D3/5: region item: n-s resol:  1
D3/5: region item: top:        1.000000000000000
D3/5: region item: bottom:     0.000000000000000

This one input raster is huge. 840,000x394,000 = 331,000,000,000 pixels. That's probably not what you want. If you have your region set to match this raster (rather than the others, which seem to be normal size) then
that would certainly cause the machine to lock up.

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