Hey all,

I am currently working with some landsat data in Grass 7.0.0 on windows 7,
and am trying to hone in on my study area (much smaller than the whole
scene). From what I can tell, the best way to do this is through the
'g.region' command however, I am having significant problems getting this
module to run correctly.

my input is:

g.region n=5572425 s=5536865 e=655050 w=626350 res=30

One thing is that it runs in '0 seconds' so I think that is a little odd.

When I use the 'g.region -d' command I can see that everything is set
properly, however when I update the map display nothing changes. Also, when
I export the file using 'r.out.gdal' it exports nothing.

('r.out.gdal -t -f --overwrite input=LT5_2007_ATCORRCOMP@May_Project
output=C:\Users\Jacob\Desktop\GRASS_Trials\exportattempt5 format=GTiff
type=Uint16 nodata=0)

Before I was having problems getting the bounds set correctly, but now when
I view the file in Arcmap, I can see that it is aligned with the basemap
properly it just shows me nothing.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I feel like this is a simple task
and I am just making some rookie mistakes, so any advice on how to create
subests in GRASS would be a very welcome,


Have a good one,
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