On Sep 26, 2015 1:00 AM, "Uttam Kumar" <uttamsinh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you all. It worked.
> However I noticed that the projected boundary values of N, S, W and E in
GRASS are not same as the values obtained from projecting the same image in
ENVI image processing software and in gdalwarp.
> Projection of the scene in Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area is similar (but
not exactly equal) in GRASS and gdal, but in ENVI it is totally different.
I just did the comparison to see if things are similar from different
softwares in case they have to be ported to other platforms.

Can you print the projection information in both GRASS (g.proj -p or -w)
and ENVI? Are they really the same?

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