
The general issue (also exists in QGIS) is that grid/graticule creators
commonly only create nodes where 2 lines intersect. The solution
generically is that you need to increase the node density of each line
so that there are more points to bend the line along when projected.

As an example (or perhaps a solution) you can see my script that creates
such dense lines. It's a python script to create WGS 84 dense lines that
re-project well at world scales. I've written it to be standalone, or
it's available in QGIS Processing, you could also adapt it to GRASS
since it's pure python and writes a geojson file (ogr can read that).


On 02/05/2016 11:08 AM, Tyler Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm making a map for inclusion in a manuscript. I have the basic layout
> set, using the wx display system: https://flic.kr/p/CThHdE
> Not perfect, but I can tweak the placement of labels in Inkscape.
> However, when I try to transfer the code from d.mon to ps.map, the
> gridlines become 'jointed', rather than smooth curves:
> https://flic.kr/p/DEp7zL
> I've tried setting the region resolution, but it doesn't seem to change
> anything. How can I plot geographic grids as smooth curves with ps.map?
> Or is there a better workflow to accomplish this?
> Best,
> Tyler
> GRASS GIS 7.0.3
> d.mon code:
> ---------------
> d.vect map=provinces_ca@PERMANENT type=boundary
> d.vect map=usa_country@PERMANENT type=boundary 
> d.vect map=boxes@PERMANENT type=point icon=basic/box fcolor=180:180:180
> size=8
> d.vect map=triangles@PERMANENT type=point icon=basic/triangle
> fcolor=250:250:250 size=9
> ps.map input:
> -----------------
> # g.region n=2000000 s=-1000000 e=3100000 w=-2550000 res=200
> vlines provinces_ca
> type boundary
> color black
> width 0.5
> end
> vlines usa_country
> type boundary
> color black
> width 0.5
> end
> geogrid 15 d
> color grey
> numbers 1 grey
> end
> vpoints triangles
> type point
> color black
> fcolor 200:200:200
> size 4
> symbol basic/triangle
> width 0.5
> end
> vpoints boxes
> type point
> color black
> fcolor 100:100:100
> size 3
> symbol basic/box
> width 0.5
> end
> paper
> width 6
> height 4
> left 0.1
> right 0.1
> top 0.1
> bottom 0.1
> end

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