Dear Sajid,

Thanks so much for your reply and confirming that the module works in principle!

Would you be able to provide me with the 1000 X 1000 clip of your data, so I 
can check if it is my installation?

I tried also two different boxes and GRASS versions (Ubunut 14.04 with GRASS 
7.3 and 7.4 compiled from source and Ubuntu 16.04 with GRASS 7.4 from 
UbuntuGIS) and none of it worked.
Also, altering the terrain model from floating point with negative values to 
integer without negative values did not change a thing…
I still get only NULL pixels…

In case someone would be willing to test my data (which I would be very 
grateful for), you can get it directly here:
S2 band 8:
62 params:
I also have it on FTP and can share username and password offlist…


From: Sajid Pareeth []
Sent: tirsdag 19. desember 2017 12.51
To: Stefan Blumentrath <>
Cc: Moritz Lennert <>; Žofie Cimburová 
<>; GRASS user list <>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] i.atcorr with Sentinel2

To add, I have used the input as such with out applying the quantification 

>>          ----------------------------------------
>>          6s file:
>>          25- geometrical conditions=Sentinel-2A
>>          9 5 10.6728 10.73413 59.90647- month day hh.ddd longitude latitude
>>          4 - atmospheric model=subarctic summer
>>          3- aerosol model=urban
>>          50- visibility [km] (aerosol model concentration) (this is
>>          estimated, I also tried with AOD specified)
>>          -0.055- mean target elevation above sea level [km]
>>          -1000- sensor height
>>          166- Sentinel2A Blue band B2 (440nm - 535nm)

Just noticed, the last parameter should be 167 for Sentinel B2.


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