Thanks for the answer.

*v.class.mlR segments_map=gbbb@PERMANENT training_map=tainning@PERMANENT
train_class_column=fd output_class_column=vote output_prob_column=prob
folds=5 partitions=10 tunelength=10 weighting_metric=accuracy*

*and the same error with this command: *
*v.class.mlR segments_map=gbbb training_map=tainning
train_class_column=class weighting_mode=smv,swv,qbwwv -i*

The vector used was elaborated with i.segment.stats module.
An extract is here:
cat area perimeter fd
1 958 208 1.555034
2 24 22 1.945217
3 160 80 1.726846
4 2036 242 1.440904
5 25 26 2.024344
6 222 96 1.68966
7 8435 1012 1.530879

*cat *type Integer (9-0)
*fd *type double/real (25-9)
For the training area (t*ainning*), I use a simple vector with numerical
categories (named* "cate"*) and there are 11 features (just for a trying).
The type is in integer64 (10)

Il giorno mer 20 nov 2019 alle ore 12:18 Moritz Lennert <> ha scritto:

> On 20/11/19 11:55, Giuseppe Cillis wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to use this module for classification of an old aerial photos.
> > After a segmentation (i.segment and i.segment.stats), I would to use a
> > machine learning approach for the real classification.
> > I tried with v.class.mIR which use also R.
> > But there is an error and I don't know how to solve it:
> > */Durante l'avvio - Warning messages:
> > 1: Setting LC_CTYPE=it_IT.cp1252 failed
> > 2: Setting LC_COLLATE=it_IT.cp1252 failed
> > 3: Setting LC_TIME=it_IT.cp1252 failed
> > 4: Setting LC_MONETARY=it_IT.cp1252 failed
> > Carico il pacchetto richiesto: caret
> > Carico il pacchetto richiesto: lattice
> > Carico il pacchetto richiesto: ggplot2
> > Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, fd, value = integer(0)) :
> >    replacement has 0 rows, data has 11
> > Calls: $<- -> $<*
> > */
> > /*
> > A part is in italian, I'm sorry.
> > I'm a beginner in grass and R.
> R messages are often not very explicit, unfortunately.
> Could you provide us with the exact command line you use (If you use the
> GUI, you can get the command line by clicking the 'Copy' button once
> you've filled out all the parameters, or in the history of the 'Console'
> in the Layer manager.) and an extract of the attribute data you feed
> into the module ?
> Moritz
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