Sorry for ignoring you up to now, just to much on the platter right now.

Would it be feasible for you to make the data available, privately if necessary ? The easiest (and lightest) would be just the csv output of on the training_map and the segments_maps.


On 2/12/19 16:31, Giuseppe Cillis wrote:
No one can help me?

Il giorno mer 20 nov 2019 alle ore 14:06 Giuseppe Cillis < <>> ha scritto:

    Thanks for the answer._
    _v.class.mlR segments_map=gbbb@PERMANENT
    training_map=tainning@PERMANENT train_class_column=fd
    output_class_column=vote output_prob_column=prob folds=5
    partitions=10 tunelength=10 weighting_metric=accuracy_

    _and the same error with this command:
    _v.class.mlR segments_map=gbbb training_map=tainning
    train_class_column=class weighting_mode=smv,swv,qbwwv -i_

    The vector used was elaborated with i.segment.stats module.
    An extract is here:
    cat         area    perimeter       fd
    1   958     208     1.555034
    2   24      22      1.945217
    3   160     80      1.726846
    4   2036    242     1.440904
    5   25      26      2.024344
    6   222     96      1.68966
    7   8435    1012    1.530879

    /cat /type Integer (9-0)
    /fd /type double/real (25-9)
    For the training area (t/ainning/), I use a simple vector with
    numerical categories (named/"cate"/) and there are 11 features (just
    for a trying). The type is in integer64 (10)

    Il giorno mer 20 nov 2019 alle ore 12:18 Moritz Lennert
    < <>>
    ha scritto:

        On 20/11/19 11:55, Giuseppe Cillis wrote:
         > Hi,
         > I'm trying to use this module for classification of an old
        aerial photos.
         > After a segmentation (i.segment and i.segment.stats), I would
        to use a
         > machine learning approach for the real classification.
         > I tried with v.class.mIR which use also R.
         > But there is an error and I don't know how to solve it:
         > */Durante l'avvio - Warning messages:
         > 1: Setting LC_CTYPE=it_IT.cp1252 failed
         > 2: Setting LC_COLLATE=it_IT.cp1252 failed
         > 3: Setting LC_TIME=it_IT.cp1252 failed
         > 4: Setting LC_MONETARY=it_IT.cp1252 failed
         > Carico il pacchetto richiesto: caret
         > Carico il pacchetto richiesto: lattice
         > Carico il pacchetto richiesto: ggplot2
         > Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, fd, value = integer(0)) :
         >    replacement has 0 rows, data has 11
         > Calls: $<- -> $<*
         > */
         > /*
         > A part is in italian, I'm sorry.
         > I'm a beginner in grass and R.

        R messages are often not very explicit, unfortunately.

        Could you provide us with the exact command line you use (If you
        use the
        GUI, you can get the command line by clicking the 'Copy' button
        you've filled out all the parameters, or in the history of the
        in the Layer manager.) and an extract of the attribute data you
        into the module ?


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