Le 22 septembre 2021 14:40:45 GMT+02:00, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> a écrit :
On Wed, 22 Sep 2021, Moritz Lennert wrote:

IIUC, you do not want to create a new location, but just a new mapset ?


That's correct.

If that is the case, just try with the -c flag to create it:
grass -c /data/grassdata/lon_lat/<mapset>
Then import your data.

Thank you. I wondered if the -c (create) option would work for only a mapset
since all examples create a new location.

Should I add that example to the startup manual page for 8.0 dev?

That would be great !

I also see that the description of the -c flag itself only speaks about locations, not mapsets. This should also be changed. Something in the direction of:

Creates new GRASS unprojected location in specified GISDBASE"
[no idea why it says 'unprojected' must be long-term legacy]

should become

Creates new GRASS location or mapset respectively in specified GISDBASE or location"
[if this is not too long]



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