Hi Moritz:

On 9/22/21 4:20 PM, Moritz Lennert wrote:

Le 22 septembre 2021 14:40:45 GMT+02:00, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> a écrit :
On Wed, 22 Sep 2021, Moritz Lennert wrote:

I also see that the description of the -c flag itself only speaks about locations, not mapsets. This should also be changed. Something in the direction of:

Creates new GRASS unprojected location in specified GISDBASE"
[no idea why it says 'unprojected' must be long-term legacy]

I think the reason here stems from the un-desirable case of creating a location without specifying any projection details (neither EPSG code nor a georeferenced file) then you'll get a more or less unusable Location. You will have to start manually to setup the Location's projection. What's more, I think that using the -c option to create a location and mapset in one go does not work. You will always get a Location with only the PERMANENT mapset:

grass -text -c EPSG:32632 /home/micha/GIS/grass/UTM33/micha

micha@RMS:Downloads$ g.mapsets -p
Accessible mapsets:

(No mapset "micha")

The best approach is to do it in two stages:

1. Create the Location (using an EPSG code or georeferenced file) . You
   can add the -e option to exit immediately
2. Then restart grass with -c again to create the mapset, with the full

should become

Creates new GRASS location or mapset respectively in specified GISDBASE or location"
[if this is not too long]



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Micha Silver
Ben Gurion Univ.
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