Here's what I got using GRASS 7.8

grass -e -c ~/Downloads/columbia_2010_e_dtm_35.tif /tmp/grassdata/columbia/PERMANENT

grass /tmp/grassdata/columbia/PERMANENT/
Starting GRASS GIS...

r.import ~/Downloads/columbia_2010_e_dtm_35.tif out=dtm_35
WARNING: Datum <North_American_1983_HARN> not recognised by GRASS and no
         parameters found
WARNING: Datum <North_American_1983_HARN> not recognised by GRASS and no
         parameters found
Importing raster map <dtm_35>...

g.region -ap rast=dtm_35
projection: 99 (NAD83(HARN) / Washington South (ftUS))
zone:       0
datum:      ** unknown (default: WGS84) **
ellipsoid:  grs80
north:      152311
south:      106519
west:       1512164
east:       1544399
nsres:      3
ewres:      3
rows:       15264
cols:       10745
cells:      164011680

micha@RMS:GIS$ dtm_35
 | Map:      dtm_35                         Date: Sat Sep 25 21:13:31 2021    |
 | Mapset:   PERMANENT                      Login of Creator: micha           |
 | Location: columbia                                                         |
 | DataBase: /tmp/grassdata                                                   |
 | Title:                                                                     |
 | Timestamp: none                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 0               |
 |   Data Type:    FCELL                                                      |
 |   Rows:         15264                                                      |
 |   Columns:      10745                                                      |
 |   Total Cells:  164011680                                                  |
 |        Projection: NAD83(HARN) / Washington South (ftUS)                   |
 |            N:     152311    S:     106519   Res:     3                     |
 |            E:    1544399    W:    1512164   Res:     3                     |
 |   Range of data:    min = 159.3157  max = 1037.52                          |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Data Description:                                                        |
 |    generated by                                                  |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Comments:                                                                |
 | -a -k input="/home/micha/Downloads/columbia_2010_e_dtm_35.\   |
 |    tif" output="dtm_35" memory=300 offset=0 num_digits=0                   |
 |                                                                            |

micha@RMS:GIS$ dtm_35
|                         RASTER MAP CATEGORY REPORT                          |
|LOCATION: columbia                                   Sat Sep 25 21:14:06 2021|
|          north: 152311    east: 1544399                                     |
|REGION    south: 106519    west: 1512164                                     |
|          res:        3    res:        3                                     |
|MASK: none                                                                   |
|MAP: (untitled) (dtm_35 in PERMANENT)                                        |
|                            Category Information                             |
|                      #|description                                          |
|  159.315659-162.759598|from  to                                             |
|  162.759598-166.203537|from  to                                             |
|  166.203537-169.647476|from  to                                             |
|  169.647476-173.091415|from  to                                             |
|  173.091415-176.535354|from  to                                             |
|  176.535354-179.979293|from  to                                             |
|  179.979293-183.423233|from  to                                             |
|  183.423233-186.867172|from  to                                             |
|  186.867172-190.311111|from  to                                             |
|   190.311111-193.75505|from  to                                             |
|   193.75505-197.198989|from  to                                             |

(Lots more rows like above)

Looks OK from here. \O/

On 9/25/21 9:03 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:

The data file sizes are all in the low 100Ks. I could upload an example to if that's helpful.

could you make one of the data files available?


Certainly. It's avalable from
and will be there for 5 days.

The file that can be retrieved with the above link is: columbia_2010_e_dtm_35.tif (138.85 MB)


grass-user mailing list
Micha Silver
Ben Gurion Univ.
Sde Boker, Remote Sensing Lab
cell: +972-523-665918

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