Hiu everybody, with some update I've broken my installation of QGIS 3.38
and GRASS 7,8,7

Now it seems that qgis-grass-plugin requires grass 8.3.2 but the pachage is
not available in ubuntugis...

I'm not (yet) enaough confindent to use GRASS outside QGIS and I really
need a quick solution to have this stack working.
I'm testing a workflow  that translates sea-polyogns digitized with some
reference coastine so they can match another refernce coastline: scripting
and topological editing is mandatory so GRASS GIS will be the right tool.

Thank-you very much for your support.

Amedeo Fadini
Pianificatore Territoriale
Iscritto all'albo della provincia di Treviso al n. 3100

cell 328 2671141
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