Michael Barton wrote:
> Ultimately, I'm trying to locate bathymetry off the coast of Europe to
> create a DEM of Pleistocene Europe during times of low sea level (i.e.,
> -300m). 
> Following the FreeGIS.org link off the GRASS download data page, I found a
> site with "STRM30 plus" that combine 1km SRTM with bathymetry
> <ftp://topex.ucsd.edu/pub/srtm30_plus/data>. This seems just what I need.
> However, I can't figure out the format or how to import it into GRASS. The
> files show up like " w020n90.Bathmetry.srtm". I've tried r.in.gdal and
> r.in.strm to no avail. I thought maybe the files were compressed and tried
> to uncompress them without luck.
> Can anyone suggest what to do with these files? And barring that, any
> suggestions for an alternative site of bathymetry I can patch into my Europe
> map?

have a look at the etopo2 dataset, which is at 2' resolution. (2 naut mi)
See the GRASS-Newsletter vol 1:8-11 for help importing it.

srtm30_plus (V2.0 July 29, 2006) will be using this data (in part),
but I see Smith & Sandwell have a brand new (beta) 1' bathemetric dataset:
  Smith, W. H. F., and D. T. Sandwell, Global seafloor topography from
satellite altimetry and ship depth soundings, Science, v. 277, p. 1957-1962, 26
Sept., 1997.

Changes for Version 9.1

Note this is a BETA VERSION of a 1-minute grid
that includes a significant number of new depth 
soundings, especially for depths between 0 and -300 m.
A more complete description of the new data and processing
will be prepared for publication in early 2008.  This
is a collaborative effort between NGA, NOAA, NAVO and SIO.
The predicted depths are based on the V16.1 gravity anomaly
model in an adjacent directory.  Please send comments to
dsandwell at ucsd.edu."

Sorry, I couldn't see a zipped version, and no one has put it up on
geotorrent.org yet, so I can't give you a r.in.bin line to use.
hmmm, dirty .DS_Store everywhere. Someone over there is running a Mac...


ps- the 7200rpm screeching & grinding noise I heard yesterday is a timely
reminder that now might be a good time to do that backup you had been putting
off, and get that nightly rsync cron job up & running (eg the Unison file

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