Thanks Hamish,

The new data especially looks interesting, though I'm having a bit of
trouble getting it. I'll try tomorrow from the office with a faster


On 10/13/07 3:35 PM, "Hamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michael Barton wrote:
>> Ultimately, I'm trying to locate bathymetry off the coast of Europe to
>> create a DEM of Pleistocene Europe during times of low sea level (i.e.,
>> -300m). 
>> Following the link off the GRASS download data page, I found a
>> site with "STRM30 plus" that combine 1km SRTM with bathymetry
>> <>. This seems just what I need.
>> However, I can't figure out the format or how to import it into GRASS. The
>> files show up like " w020n90.Bathmetry.srtm". I've tried and
>> to no avail. I thought maybe the files were compressed and tried
>> to uncompress them without luck.
>> Can anyone suggest what to do with these files? And barring that, any
>> suggestions for an alternative site of bathymetry I can patch into my Europe
>> map?
> have a look at the etopo2 dataset, which is at 2' resolution. (2 naut mi)
> See the GRASS-Newsletter vol 1:8-11 for help importing it.
> srtm30_plus (V2.0 July 29, 2006) will be using this data (in part),
> but I see Smith & Sandwell have a brand new (beta) 1' bathemetric dataset:
>   Smith, W. H. F., and D. T. Sandwell, Global seafloor topography from
> satellite altimetry and ship depth soundings, Science, v. 277, p. 1957-1962,
> 26
> Sept., 1997.
> "08/21/07
> Changes for Version 9.1
> Note this is a BETA VERSION of a 1-minute grid
> that includes a significant number of new depth
> soundings, especially for depths between 0 and -300 m.
> A more complete description of the new data and processing
> will be prepared for publication in early 2008.  This
> is a collaborative effort between NGA, NOAA, NAVO and SIO.
> The predicted depths are based on the V16.1 gravity anomaly
> model in an adjacent directory.  Please send comments to
> dsandwell at"
> Sorry, I couldn't see a zipped version, and no one has put it up on
> yet, so I can't give you a line to use.
> hmmm, dirty .DS_Store everywhere. Someone over there is running a Mac...
> Hamish
> ps- the 7200rpm screeching & grinding noise I heard yesterday is a timely
> reminder that now might be a good time to do that backup you had been putting
> off, and get that nightly rsync cron job up & running (eg the Unison file
> synchronizer).
> ouch
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Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
Director of Graduate Studies
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671

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