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  =0AHi all,=0A =0AI am new to grass.I was trying to import raster map in g=
rass 6.0.1.=0A=0AWhen I execute the following commands =0A=0Ad.mon start=3D=
x0=0Ad.rast roads=0Ar.in.gdal input=3D/data/grass/data/4412.tif ouput=3Dsam=
ple -o=0A=0AI got the below error. =0A=0ADatum 'unknown' not recognised by =
GRASS and no parameters found.=0A=0ADatum transformation will not be possib=
le using this projection information.=0A=0ACREATING SUPPORT FILES FOR sampl=
e=0ACREATING COLOR TABLE FOR sample=0A=0AIt was not showing any map.=0A=0Aw=
hat could be the problem.=0A=0Athanks in advance.=0A=0Athanks and regards=
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<P>=0A&nbsp; <BR>=0AHi all,<BR>=0A <BR>=0AI am new to grass.I was trying to=
 import raster map in grass 6.0.1.<BR>=0A<BR>=0AWhen I execute the followin=
g commands <BR>=0A<BR>=0Ad.mon start=3Dx0<BR>=0Ad.rast roads<BR>=0Ar.in.gda=
l input=3D/data/grass/data/4412.tif ouput=3Dsample -o<BR>=0A<BR>=0AI got th=
e below error. <BR>=0A<BR>=0ADatum 'unknown' not recognised by GRASS and no=
 parameters found.<BR>=0A<BR>=0ADatum transformation will not be possible u=
sing this projection information.<BR>=0A<BR>=0ACREATING SUPPORT FILES FOR s=
ample<BR>=0ACREATING COLOR TABLE FOR sample<BR>=0A<BR>=0AIt was not showing=
 any map.<BR>=0A<BR>=0Awhat could be the problem.<BR>=0A<BR>=0Athanks in ad=
vance.<BR>=0A<BR>=0Athanks and regards<BR>=0Aarul<BR>=0A=0A</P>=0A<br><br>=
=0A<Table border=3D0 Width=3D644 Height=3D57 cellspacing=3D0 cellpadding=3D=
0 style=3D'font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;line-height:15px;'><TR><td><a=
/signature-home.htm/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/1473272_1466559/1473095/1?PARTNER=3D=
3&OAS_QUERY=3Dnull target=3Dnew '><img src =3Dhttp://imadworks.rediff.com/c=
gi-bin/AdWorks/adimage.cgi/1473272_1466559/creative_1473095.gif  alt=3D'Lov=
e'  border=3D0></a></td></TR></Table>

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