arut selvan wrote:

> grass 6.0.1

Version 6.0.1 is pretty old now, you will find things much improved with
version 6.2.2.

>   =0AHi all,=0A =0AI am new to grass.I was trying to import raster map in g=
> rass 6.0.1.=0A=0AWhen I execute the following commands =0A=0Ad.mon start=3D=
> x0=0Ad.rast input=3D/data/grass/data/4412.tif ouput=3Dsam=
> ple -o=0A=0AI got the below error. =0A=0ADatum 'unknown' not recognised by =
> GRASS and no parameters found.=0A=0ADatum transformation will not be possib=
> le using this projection information.=0A=0ACREATING SUPPORT FILES FOR sampl=
> e=0ACREATING COLOR TABLE FOR sample=0A=0AIt was not showing any map.=0A=0Aw=
> hat could be the problem.=0A=0Athanks in advance.=0A=0Athanks and regards=
> =0Aarul=0A
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please post to the list using plain text, not HTML markup. It makes it rather
hard to read, and the emails take up a lot more space.

Are you sure it isn't there? Maybe you need to run g.region:

g.list rast map=sample
# zoom to the map's bounds
g.region rast=sample
d.mon x0
d.rast map=sample


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