Dear all,

Apologies if this has been covered before.

I have just installed Ubuntu7.04 as a VM using Microsoft virtual PC2007
(running under Vista x64 Ultimate). I downloaded the CVS and it compiled
without error. Indeed there appeared to be no errors during
installation. Grass62 starts fine and using the Spearfish60 dataset the
elevation rasters show without any problem. The problems start when I
invoke NVIZ (it does not matter whether I do this from the map window or
from the command line) - it says waiting and then it appears to do
nothing! I even let it 'wait' for 30 minutes but nothing appeared.

It is sometime (nearly a year) since I last tried to use grass - am I
overlooking something simple?



Prof Darrel Maddy
Chair of Quaternary Science
University of Newcastle, UK 

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