Hi Dylan,

Actually turned out to be me being stupid! The VM emulates an S3 trio
video card with no OpenGL hardware. Once I removed the reference to my
Nvidia opengl drivers (silly me) and replaced them with the Mesa
emulators everything now seems to be fine. 

Best wishes


-----Original Message-----
From: Dylan Beaudette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 5:47 PM
To: grassuser@grass.itc.it
Cc: Darrel Maddy
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] NVIS problem

On Friday 19 October 2007, Darrel Maddy wrote:
> Dear all,
> Apologies if this has been covered before.
> I have just installed Ubuntu7.04 as a VM using Microsoft virtual 
> PC2007 (running under Vista x64 Ultimate). I downloaded the CVS and it

> compiled without error. Indeed there appeared to be no errors during 
> installation. Grass62 starts fine and using the Spearfish60 dataset 
> the elevation rasters show without any problem. The problems start 
> when I invoke NVIZ (it does not matter whether I do this from the map 
> window or from the command line) - it says waiting and then it appears

> to do nothing! I even let it 'wait' for 30 minutes but nothing
> It is sometime (nearly a year) since I last tried to use grass - am I 
> overlooking something simple?

Probably something realted to how the VM arbitrates access to the video
hardware - esp. with regards to OpenGL... try googling for related


> Thanks
> Darrel
> Prof Darrel Maddy
> Chair of Quaternary Science
> University of Newcastle, UK
> http://www.ncl.ac.uk/geps/staff/profile/darrel.maddy
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Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis

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