
run make distclean before re-compilation...


2007/10/26, Martin Wegmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I did a svn update and wanted to run r.to.vect as usual but when it failed I
> received this info:
> r.to.vect --h
> Description:
>  Converts a raster map into a vector map layer.
> Keywords:
>  raster
> Usage:
>  r.to.vect [-svzbq] [column=name] output=name feature=string
>    [--overwrite] [--verbose] [--quiet]
> Flags:
>   -s   Smooth corners
>   -v   Use raster values as categories instead of unique sequence (CELL only)
>   -z   Write raster values as z coordinate. Table is not created. Currently
> supported only for points.
>   -b   Do not build vector topology (use with care for massive point export)
>   -q   Quiet - Do not show progress
>  --o   Allow output files to overwrite existing files
>  --v   Verbose module output
>  --q   Quiet module output
> Parameters:
>    column   Name of attribute column
>    output   Name for output raster3d map
>   feature   Feature type
>             options: point,line,area
>             default: line
> How do I convert my raster to vector now?
> Or is this an intermediate state of r.to.vect change?
> with confused regards, Martin
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Martin Landa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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