Søndag 11. november 2007 skreiv G. Allegri:
> Today I've been contacted by a software farm, which develops ArcGIS
> Server based solutions. It's the third in few months to propose me to
> work on that product, and maybe it's a clue indicating an increasing
> request for distributes GIS applications.
> I know it's a hot theme and I don't want to start up a flame, but I
> think that FOSS gis run the risk to remain a step behind proprietary
> products. I know, interested subjects should invest in it to start a
> specific deployment, but I suspect it won't be possible in a short
> time...
> I think that projects, as PyWPS or some other examples on how to run
> Grass commands through web interfaces, are interesting prototypes, but
> they surely don't replace the lack of an OS Gis Server.
> What do yuo think about it? Are there projects in this direction?
> Giovanni
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Mapserver? See http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/

Or is ArcGIS Server something different?


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