On Tuesday 13 November 2007 08:52:28 Jarosław Jasiewicz wrote:
> Christoph Knoll pisze:
> > Hello everybody,
> >
> >  I am working with airborne laser scanner data and I need to import more
> > than 2000 raster-datasets into my GRASSDatabase. I started to import the
> > data with r.in.gdal (it works perfect) but if I do everything myself, I
> > will still be importing the data still in a week or so.
> >
> > Who can tell me how to write or who has a script for batch processing
> > (importing the data with the r.in.gdal-command?
> >
> > I'd be thankful for any help.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >  Chris
> >
> >
> > --------------------------------
> > University of Innsbruck
> > Institute of Geography
> > Climate and Cryospheric Research
> > Innrain 52f; A - 6020 Innsbruck
> >
> > KNOLL Christoph, Mag.
> >
> > Dorfstrasse 106a/3
> > 6240 Radfeld/Tirol
> >
> > Office: +43 (0)512 507 5416
> > Mobile: +43 (0)650 6013230
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > grassuser mailing list
> > grassuser@grass.itc.it
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> something like this:
> divide rasters into some directories (2000 may be to much for it) and:
> ------
> #!bin/bash
> list_of_raster= ls
> for i in $list_of_raster
> do
> eval `r.in.gdal input=~/your_dir/$i output=so_$i `
> done
> ------
> r.in gdal may require some addational parameters
> end script may not work propertly, (i not tested it I use very similar
> to import multiple files)
> Jarek
> _______________________________________________
> grassuser mailing list
> grassuser@grass.itc.it
> http://grass.itc.it/mailman/listinfo/grassuser

I use a similar script to import shapefiles via v.in.ogr

cd /maps/luxembourg/vector/act/
for i in *_RIVIERE.shp; do
 fn=cn_`basename "$i" .shp`; # remove the .shp from filename
 v.in.ogr -o dsn=/maps/luxembourg/vector/act/"$i" output="$fn"
# do echo $i "$suffix$i";


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