Thanks, Jochen,

I perhaps didn't make myself clear in my question - I have a number of 
Graylog collectors running on different instances and my question was more 
whether I should create a separate input on a distinct port for each of 
these collectors or just create one input and have all the collectors send 
to that one input.

In the end, I went with the second approach, so I have one GELF TCP input 
started on port 12201, which aggregates the data from all the collectors.

I then have created a number of streams to route the incoming data, where 
they can be separated by log (and application) type.

I preferred this approach as it meant from a security point of view, I only 
had to open one more port and the 'Streams' concept allowed me to segment 
my log messages.


On Tuesday, 1 December 2015 16:41:40 UTC, Sean McGurk wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have set up a Graylog server with a number (7) of input sources.
> My question is, when configuring Graylog, is it better to open a number of 
> ports on the Graylog server and have each port receive messages from a 
> particular source or is it better to only open 1 port and receive all 
> inputs via this 1 port?
> Thanks,
> Seán

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