
I am new to graylog2 and I am having an issue with the timestamp that is 
displayed in each message.

I understand that the timestamp reflects the time that graylog imported the 
log messages, and not the timestamp associated with the application log 
message. For example, if I send a log file from my application server to 
graylog server, the timestamp of my application log message is a different 
field (when extracted) in graylog UI

I was able to configure my application log message timestamp to be date 
type and search query have to be formulated to reflect the time zone 
difference since the "now" is going to be the UTC time. So I will have an 
awkward query like as follow (to query the latest 5 minute time frame)

"filter": {
        "bool": {
          "must": {
            "range": {
              "mytimestampDate": {
                "from": "now-4h-5m",
                "to": "now-4h",  
                "include_lower": true,
                "include_upper": true

and NOT

"filter": {
        "bool": {
          "must": {
            "range": {
              "mytimestampDate": {
                "from": "now-5m",
                "to": "now",  
                "include_lower": true,
                "include_upper": true

The BEST solution is to replace/overwrite the timestamp of the graylog 
server with the timestamp of the application log message that is shipped 
over to graylog2. This is because the web interface is using the timestamp 
to do query. 

I was able to do it with Logstash by using a date filter, and I was able to 
do it with Fluentd by using a plugin. Both worked beautifully. However, I 
have not found a solution for graylog2.

Is there a workaround?



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