Hi Al,

you might want to try to use your pattern with lower case 'y' for the year 
component of the date pattern.


On Wednesday, 8 February 2017 21:09:19 UTC+1, Al Reynolds wrote:
> I've noticed another error. The timestamp field is being replaced 
> correctly, but the "gl2_processing_error" field is showing the following 
> error (on all messages):
> For rule 'WO-CS-RAS': In call to function 'parse_date' at 8:15 an 
> exception was thrown: Invalid format: "2017-02-08 15:05:59,170" is 
> malformed at "17-02-08 15:05:59,170"
> It doesn't seem to have any adverse effects, but I'm curious as to what 
> might be causing it?
> On Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 1:56:17 PM UTC-5, Al Reynolds wrote:
>> Figured it out--parse_date needed the timestamp . New rule looks like 
>> this:
>> rule "WO-CS-RAS" 
>> when 
>> contains(to_string($message.file),"centralserver\\ras-server\\log\\ras_cs_")
>> then
>>     set_field("WO_Log_Source","RAS-CS");
>>     let matches = grok(pattern: "%{WO_CS_RAS_CS_MESSAGE}", value: 
>> to_string($message.message));
>>     set_fields(matches);
>>     let date = parse_date(to_string($message.WO_Timestamp), "YYYY-MM-dd 
>> HH:mm:ss,SSS", "EST");
>>     set_field("timestamp", date);
>>     route_to_stream("WideOrbit Logs");
>> end
>> I was under the impression that the timezone was optional? 
>> Thanks for all your help with this Jochen--it's greatly appreciated!
>> Cheers,
>> Al
>> On Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 11:05:22 AM UTC-5, Al Reynolds wrote:
>>> That's what I get for typing it out...thank you for catching that! 
>>> Unfortunately, even after correcting for the incorrect milliseconds value, 
>>> it's still not replacing timestamp value. I sent the parsed date to a new 
>>> field (in this case, "log_timestamp") to verify that the output data was in 
>>> the correct format, which it is now, but it still won't replace the 
>>> timestamp field.
>>> Message sample with "log_timestamp" field:
>>> 2017-02-08 11:00:34,980 WARN  [Task 'ATLANTA-FS' FS timer.1] 
>>> FriendshipTasksServiceImpl = Could not obtain task info for:  
>>> 2c95ac8e-57e3-91b2-0158-495b880b24e8REQUEST FAILED ==> STATUS CODE: 404, 
>>> WO_LogLevel
>>> WARN
>>> WO_Log_Source
>>> RAS-CS
>>> WO_Message
>>> Could not obtain task info for:  2c95ac8e-57e3-91b2-0158-
>>> WO_Process
>>> Task 'ATLANTA-FS' FS timer.1
>>> WO_SubProcess
>>> FriendshipTasksServiceImpl
>>> WO_Timestamp
>>> 2017-02-08 11:00:34,980
>>> facility
>>> filebeat
>>> file
>>> d:\centralserver\ras-server\log\ras_cs_WO-ATL-CS.log
>>> input_type
>>> log
>>> log_timestamp
>>> 2017-02-08T11:00:34.980Z
>>> message
>>> 2017-02-08 11:00:34,980 WARN  [Task 'ATLANTA-FS' FS timer.1] 
>>> FriendshipTasksServiceImpl = Could not obtain task info for:  
>>> 2c95ac8e-57e3-91b2-0158-495b880b24e8REQUEST FAILED ==> STATUS CODE: 404, 
>>> name
>>> offset
>>> 2372156
>>> source
>>> timestamp
>>> 2017-02-08T16:00:35.864Z
>>> type
>>> log
>>> Corrected rule: 
>>> rule "WO-CS-RAS" 
>>> when 
>>> contains(to_string($message.file),"centralserver\\ras-server\\log\\ras_cs_")
>>> then
>>>     set_field("WO_Log_Source","RAS-CS");
>>>     let matches = grok(pattern: "%{WO_CS_RAS_CS_MESSAGE}", value: 
>>> to_string($message.message));
>>>     set_fields(matches);
>>>     let date = parse_date(to_string($message.WO_Timestamp), "YYYY-MM-dd 
>>> HH:mm:ss,SSS");
>>>     set_field("timestamp", date);
>>>     route_to_stream("WideOrbit Logs");
>>> end
>>> Thanks!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Al
>>> On Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 10:55:03 AM UTC-5, Jochen Schalanda 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Al,
>>>> On Wednesday, 8 February 2017 15:46:07 UTC+1, Al Reynolds wrote:
>>>>> WO_Timestamp
>>>>> 2017-02-08 09:42:30,056
>>>>> Those messages are with the date parsing disabled. I'm attempting to 
>>>>> replace "timestamp" with the "WO_Timestamp" field. 
>>>> The string in WO_Timestamp doesn't match the pattern "YYYY-MM-dd 
>>>> HH:mm:ss,sss" used in parse_date(). See 
>>>> http://www.joda.org/joda-time/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/DateTimeFormat.html
>>>> for details.
>>>> Hint: 's' and 'S' are not the same thing.
>>>> Side note: The full_message field is empty on my filebeat inputs--is 
>>>>> that expected behavior? 
>>>> Yes, that's expected.
>>>> What would you expect to find in the (optional) full_message field?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jochen

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