Thursday, May 01, 2008

Press Imprisoned

By Jacqueline Park
Across the countries of South Asia, journalists and media workers
continue to be imprisoned in one way or another.

In some cases, journalists are detained without charge, jailed on
spurious allegations, or sentenced to extreme penalties for exercising
the right to gather, analyse and share information of interest to the
public at large.

In other cases, the shackles are evident where journalists and media
institutions bow to the strictures of official censorship or seek
pre-emptive security through self-censorship.

A disturbing trend is becoming apparent in some of the countries of
South Asia, where data collected by local journalists' organisations
for the annual South Asia Press Freedom Report 2007-08 indicates that
a high proportion of journalists and media personnel who are targeted
for attack and intimidation are young people who are relatively new to
the profession.

In Afghanistan, for example, a 23-year-old journalist and student,
Syed Parvez Kambaksh, was sentenced to death on a charge of blasphemy
after a closed-door hearing in January.

His crime? He is accused of downloading information from the internet
about the rights of women under Islam and distributing it among a
small number of students at Balkh University, Mazar-e-Sharif.

He also happens to be the younger brother of a journalist who has
incurred official displeasure by writing articles on security issues
for an international news portal.

In Sri Lanka, Tamil journalist Munusamy Parameshwari is now 24. She
fled her country recently and is in hiding after receiving death
threats for several years. Her family was also threatened.

 From November 2006 to March 2007, Parameshwari was detained without
charge under anti-terrorist laws. Shortly after her release she was
abducted and assaulted by several men in uniform who warned her to
discontinue her reporting.

Her crime? Parameshwari gathered information for articles that exposed
government participation in abductions, as well as other human rights
abuses. She is called a terrorist because she belongs to an ethnic
group with which Sri Lanka's Government is at war.

In seeking assistance to escape her tormentors, Parameshwari explains
she needed to leave Sri Lanka in order "to live a fear-free life and
regain my self esteem". She adds: "The long period of detention and
the constant harassment, coupled with the fear for my life, has had a
serious impact on my psychological well-being and I am forced to seek
counselling in order to function on a day-to-day basis."

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Across South Asia and
elsewhere in the world, young journalists bear the malicious brunt of
forces opposed to press freedom and the right of all people to access
information of importance to their everyday lives.

It is a deadly serious matter when journalists and media workers of
any age and rank are censored, targeted for attack or imprisoned for
the work they do to keep the public informed. However, a further
negative factor kicks in when extreme efforts to silence the voices
and investigations of young and inquiring journalists like Kambaksh,
Parameshwari and Akash dissuade aspiring journalists from entering the

Young people may come to the conclusion that the risk of personal harm
– to themselves and to their families – is too high a price to pay for
seeking to report the truth.

Already, journalists and media workers in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and
Bangladesh are reportedly leaving the profession, concerned for their
safety on the job, frustrated by censors, compromised by pressures to
self-censor, and demoralised by poor working conditions and pay.

Where the incentive does exist for younger people to enter journalism,
commercial pressures may compel them to turn their backs on the public
service values of the profession. In countries with high-levels of
economic inequality, media professionals are increasingly required to
reflect exclusively the interests and aspirations of those of wealth
and privilege.

Press freedom is about much more than the right of a journalist to
conduct his or her work without restriction and without fear of
debilitating repercussions.

It is about much more than media institutions being free to
disseminate information to consumers in a competitive market.Press
freedom is an essential component of the processes and structures of a
free, stable and secure society.

 It cannot be achieved in isolation. It requires the collaborative
efforts not only of journalists and their organisations, but media
owners, political power-holders, community leaders and ordinary

At the core of the defence and strengthening of press freedom for the
betterment of society, however, is the continuing renewal of the
profession of journalism through the induction of young journalists
willing to stand up and speak truth to power.

As journalists' organisations and press freedom advocates around the
world prepare to mark World Press Freedom Day this Saturday (3 May
2008), we should all consider why press freedom is important in our
society, and stand up to ensure that new generations of journalists
need not fear or suffer imprisonment, literally or figuratively.

*Jacqueline Park is the Director of IFJ Asia-Pacific. IFJ Asia-Pacific
released this week its sixth annual South Asia Press Freedom Report
2007-08. The IFJ represents over 600,000 journalists in 120 countries.

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