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From: socialjurist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>




· Objective: To avail the fundamental right guaranteed under Article 32 of
the Constitution of India to highlight the deteriorating conditions of the
government school education system resulting in violation of the fundamental
right to education as guaranteed under Articles 21and 21-A of the
Constitution of India

· Who can write: Any student, parent, civil rights organization, trade
union, social activist, NGO etc. having personal knowledge of the facts. If
student is unable to write her/himself, some one else can write the same but
in that case, description of the some one else should be given in the
postcard. It should be written in the post card that since the child/student
was unable to write, he/she got it written through so and so person. The
words used should be verbatim the same as may be told by the student/child.

· Whom to write: Hon'ble The Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court, New

· What to write:

1. Sub: Complaint under Art.32 of the Constitution for protection of the
fundamental right to education as guaranteed under Arts. 21 and 21-A of the
Constitution of India.

2. Describe what you are. If you are a student, write your name, class, name
and complete address of the school.

3. List one or more the nature of complaint. For instance, write (i) The
school does not have the facility of potable drinking water; (ii) There are
no functional blackboards in the school; (iii) There is only one teacher in
the school teaching 200 students of classes I to V.

4. Write your full name and complete postal address. (Write telephone number
also, if available)

5. Sign the postcard with date.

· When to post: As soon as the postcard is written.

Ashok Agarwal, Advocate

Advisor, Social Jurist,



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