
Honduras' Zelaya urges U.S. to step up sanctions
Tue Jul 21, 2009

By Simon 

TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduras' ousted President Manuel Zelaya called on
the United States Tuesday to impose tough new sanctions against the de facto
government that toppled him in a coup last month.

Zelaya said he wrote to U.S. PresidentBarack
Obama<http://www.reuters.com/news/globalcoverage/barackobama> and
asked him to step up the pressure against Honduras' coup leaders.

The army rousted Zelaya from his bed and sent him into exile in his pajamas
in a pre-dawn raid on June 28, after accusing him of violating the
constitution by trying to extend presidential term limits

Obama's administration has condemned the coup, cut $16.5 million in military
aid and threatened to slash economic aid, but Zelaya said more was needed.

"All this has been insufficient," he said from exile in neighboring
Nicaragua, urging new measures against the individuals who ordered and
carried out the coup, and have joined the interim government.

Talks mediated by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias to resolve the crisis
collapsed over the weekend but he asked both sides until Wednesday to find a

With negotiations deadlocked and Zelaya vowing to return to Honduras within
days, some Latin American leaders fear Central America's worst crisis since
the end of the Cold War could flare into violence.

The U.S. government Tuesday threw its weight behind Arias' proposal which
calls for Zelaya's reinstatement to set up a coalition government. It also
stipulates that he abandon his bid to overhaul the constitution, which was
opposed by the military, Congress and Supreme Court.

"We're in constant contact with a number of countries in the hemisphere
regarding the situation in Honduras, and we believe the Arias mediation is
the right way to go, and the time is now to ... resolve this issue," State
Department deputy spokesman Robert A. Wood told reporters.

Zelaya said he would give Arias the 72 hours he had requested, but if no
deal was reached he would return to Honduras as early as Thursday despite a
standing threat from the de facto government to immediately arrest him.

He made a failed bid to return in a Venezuelan plane earlier this month.
Soldiers blocked the runway and at least one protester was killed in clashes
with the army.


The crisis is testing President Barack
Obama<http://www.reuters.com/news/globalcoverage/barackobama> as
he seeks to improve U.S. relations with Latin America, where a growing bloc
of leftist leaders that includes Zelaya has challenged Washington's
influence in recent years.

He faces pressure from Latin American heavyweight Brazil and other countries
in the region who want more pressure on Honduras' de facto government but at
home some Republicans in Congress feel Obama is showing too much support to

Rivals of the ousted president say he was seeking to turn the traditionally
conservative coffee and textile exporting nation into a satellite of
Venezuela's firebrand leftist President Hugo Chavez.

Chavez has been a vocal supporter of Zelaya, putting his troops on alert
soon after the coup and rallying regional support around the deposed leader,
who has been touring the region and visiting Washington.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim called U.S. Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton last week to complain that talks were dragging on too long
and that Zelaya should be reinstated without conditions, a Brazilian
diplomat said.

"The negotiations must not reward a coup, which could in turn encourage
other coups," the diplomat said on condition of anonymity.

Zelaya's supporters hope the United States -- Honduras' No. 1 trading
partner -- will ultimately force interim leader Roberto Micheletti to back

"We think we are close to a deal, because there is international pressure
for the coup-mongers to talk," said Juan Vazquez, 35, an indigenous leader
who joined around 500 Zelaya supporters in a march in the capital
Tegucigalpa Tuesday.

"Zelaya will get all the support he needs from the people to get him back
into the presidency," said Jose Israel Estrada, 60, as he listened to
Zelaya, sporting his trademark cowboy hat, speak from Nicaragua over a dusty
radio outside the ranch owned by the ousted leader in the central province
of Olancho.

The Swedish European Union presidency said the bloc would continue to
restrict political contacts with Micheletti's government and "consider
further targeted measures."

The interim government remained defiant Tuesday, saying it has no intention
of allowing Zelaya to retake power.

It also gave the staff at Venezuela's embassy 72 hours to quit the country,
but they said they would refuse to leave.

(Additional reporting by Gustavo Palencia in Tegucigalpa, Ivan Castro in
Managua; Sean Mattson in Lepaguare, Tim Gaynor in Washington, Juana Casas
and John McPhaul in San Jose; Editing by Kieran Murray)

U.S. steps up pressure on Honduras' de facto government
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton tells Roberto Micheletti, who has
been named Honduras' president, that negotiations with ousted leader Manuel
Zelaya cannot fail.
By Paul Richter
2:49 PM PDT, July 20, 2009
Reporting from Washington -- The Obama administration has sharply increased
its pressure on Honduras' de facto government in hopes of breaking a
deepening stalemate in negotiations with ousted President Manuel Zelaya.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called Roberto Micheletti, who has
been named the country's president, to warn him that he should not allow the
talks to fail, said Clinton's chief spokesman, P.J. Crowley. He described
Clinton's overture, placed Sunday as she was visiting India, as a "very
tough call."

Talks broke down over the weekend over Micheletti's insistence that Zelaya
would not be allowed to return to power.

Crowley suggested that Micheletti's government may be backing off that
condition, saying that the talks "might have produced more progress than is
at first evident."

Clinton's call, her first contact with Micheletti, signaled a deepening
American commitment to solving the crisis.

Meanwhile, the European Union announced it was cutting off $90 million in
aid to the de factor government.

Zelaya, toppled in a military coup June 28 and deported, has threatened to
force his way back into his country, with or without a political agreement.
Crowley said today that U.S. officials have urged him not to take such

Zelaya, a wealthy rancher whose politics veered to the left in recent years,
had been pursuing a nonbinding referendum on amending the constitution that
had been ruled illegal. He was ousted by a Honduran elite concerned that he
was trying to change the constitution to allow for his reelection. Honduran
presidents are limited to a single term.

Costa Rican President Oscar Arias was commissioned by Washington and other
regional powers to find a solution to the standoff, but talks broke down
this weekend after Micheletti refused a proposal to reinstate Zelaya.

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