Posted on Sun, Aug. 9, 2009

Turbulence in Honduras must be allayed quickly

By Maurice Lemoine

The reaction was unanimous - from the Organization of American States to the
United Nations, from the European Union to President Obama. Everybody
condemned, without qualification, the June 28 coup that deposed Honduras'
head of state, Manuel Zelaya, and removed him by force to Costa Rica.

Miguel d'Escoto, president of the U.N. General Assembly, called for Zelaya
to be reinstated without delay in the office and functions to which he had
been appointed by the will of the people; no other option would be
acceptable to the international community.

Doubts had been expressed about Zelaya's legitimacy. Some claimed that he
had sought, unconstitutionally, to amend the country's 1982 constitution so
he could seek another term of office in the presidential elections coming in

But this was not true. The constitution remains in force until further
notice, and the head of state cannot stand for reelection. With 400,000
signatures to support him, Zelaya had planned only to organize a voluntary
survey on election day to find out whether Hondurans wanted a Constituent
National Assembly to be convened at some point.

A peculiar feature of the present constitution is that it contains a number
of articles that are effectively set in stone, including Article 4, which
prohibits reelection of the president and which cannot be amended under any
circumstances - a curious rule to impose on the people, who are supposedly
the source of all state powers. Zelaya was ousted not for seeking
reelection, but merely for contemplating reform of the basic charter.

Zelaya made three big mistakes:

>From a base in the center-right Liberal Party, he severed his ties with
Honduras' ruling political and economic elite.

He increased the minimum wage 60 percent.

He joined the Bolivarian Alliance, which includes Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador,
Venezuela, and other governments that advocate breaking with neoliberalism.

Through this coup, the right has simply attacked the weak link in that

President George W. Bush supported the attempt to overthrow Hugo Chavez in
Venezuela in April 2002. Obama joined the condemnation of the man who led
the Honduran putsch, Roberto Micheletti. But while Obama declared that
Zelaya alone is president of Honduras, his secretary of state, Hillary
Rodham Clinton, suggested that Costa Rica's president, Oscar Arias, act as
mediator - keeping the left and center-left Organization of American States
out of the picture.

Powerful anti-Zelaya forces are at work in Washington. The Pentagon has a
strategically important military base in Honduras, in Palmerola. It has
already lost its base in Manta, Ecuador, which was closed at the request of
the president, Rafael Correa.

Hugo Llorens, the U.S. ambassador to Honduras appointed by Bush in September
2008, was director of Andean affairs at the National Security Council in
2002 and 2003, covering Venezuela at the time of the coup. Just before June
28 in Honduras, Llorens attended meetings with "military officials and
opposition leaders."

Zelaya has rejected Arias' proposed national-reconciliation government -
which would reinstate Zelaya as president, but without any real power. So
has Micheletti, to the annoyance of Clinton, who offered him a chance to
emerge from the crisis in pole position. Was this Washington duplicity or a
difference between the White House and the State Department-Pentagon

If order is not restored, and if Honduras succumbs to violence, Obama's
standing will be seriously impaired in Latin America, where he had been
welcomed with sympathy and hope.

Maurice Lemoine is a journalist and an expert on Latin American politics. He
can be contacted This article was translated by
Barbara Wilson and distributed by Agence Global.


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