It seems that this study is merely based on some data gathered from  past and 
present trends . For example, solar energy production have been improved in 
recent years but not 
very significantly as we predicted . making predictions solely on technological 
also is error prone . There are environmental challenges which may have 
influence on the future of nuclear energy but there are many other factors 
which will have an effect on the use of nuclear energy and reactors . The fact 
that nuclear energy has tremendous potential for power production in huge 
quantity can make nations think in this regard . For example, Iran is pursuing 
nuclear energy because it lacks other sources of energy and resources which can 
support enregy requirements of a large population . As nations are forced 
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, they may think of increasing  their nuclear 
 reactors .
For example France closed many of its coal mine factories by deploying nuclear 
power at large scale . 
--- On Wed, 20/1/10, Sukla Sen <> wrote:

From: Sukla Sen <>
Subject: [GreenYouth] Nuclear power losing in importance world-wide
To: "ecological-democracy" <>, "nonuclear" 
<>, "greenyouth" <>
Date: Wednesday, 20 January, 2010, 1:30 PM

The latest “Prognos” survey predicts a global decline of nuclear energy
Nuclear power losing in importance world-wide
The world-wide renaissance of nuclear power that has so often been predicted 
will not take place in the next few decades. Nuclear energy will be on the 
decline till the year 2030, and will continue to decline in importance 

This is the conclusion of the Swiss “Prognos” institute based in Basel. 
Germany’s Federal Agency for Radiation Protection in Salzgitter / Lower Saxony 
commissioned “Prognos” to carry out a survey on “the renaissance of nuclear 
energy”. The task was to provide a realistic estimate of the future development 
of nuclear energy world-wide till the year 2030. The most important results are 
reproduced below:

No renaissance - nuclear power in decline * The study does not anticipate a 
renaissance in the use of nuclear energy by the year 2030. On the contrary, 
shutdowns of aged plants will lead to a decrease in the total number of 
reactors, and there will be a significant decline in installed capacity and 
electricity generation from nuclear power plants.
    * Compared to the reference level of March 2009, the number of nuclear 
power stations in operation worldwide is likely to decrease by 22% by the year 
2020, and by about 29% by the year 2030.
    * Despite an increase in construction activity of nuclear power stations 
compared to construction in the last 10 years, the level of the building boom 
of the 1970s/80s will not be reached again.


“Prognos” expects the number of new nuclear power plants to decline by 29 per 
cent by the year 2030 (left); an overview of nuclear reactors in Europe

Almost 30% fewer nuclear power stations by 2030    * Although the number of 
announcements of new nuclear power stations is on the increase, in the past the 
ambitious expansion plans – particularly in the USA, but also in other 
countries – have subsequently not materialized. The study anticipates that 
about 23% of all the projects announced by ATW, the German ”International 
Journal for Nuclear Power” for the period until 2020 will be realized, whilst 
about 35% of the projects announced by the World Nuclear Association (WNA) for 
the period until 2030 will be realized.

    * The forecast will be impacted particularly by the assumptions made with 
respect to the remaining lifetime of existing nuclear power stations and the 
extent to which the announcements made by China, Russia, the USA, India and 
Japan are implemented.  

    * If all the projects announced were to be realized, this would mean an 
increase in construction activity that would overshadow the rapid increase in 
construction activity at the beginning of the 1970s. This seems extremely 
unlikely at the present time.

Western Europe and the USA have the highest number of nuclear power plants 

Nuclear energy in decline * Even by comparison to the forecast rapid growth in 
world-wide electricity consumption, nuclear energy will decline significantly 
in importance by the year 2030. The percentage of world-wide electricity 
generation accounted for by nuclear energy will decline from 14.8% in the year 
2006 to an estimated 9.1% in the year 2020, and to 7.1% in the year 2030.

    * Other scenarios – such as the “low” scenario of the OECD/Nuclear Energy 
Agency and the reference scenario of the World Energy Outlook 2008 by the 
International Energy Agency – also indicate that nuclear energy will have a 
declining share of world-wide electricity generation. The development of output 
forecast in this study is most closely aligned with the results of the current 
“phase out life extension” scenario of the OECD-NEA.

The background: there are currently 436 nuclear power stations in operation, 
whose average age is already 24 years. The number of reactors has been 
declining since the year 2002, when there were still 444 reactors connected to 
the grid. However, many construction projects are now getting bogged down, and 
work on several of them has been stopped for years. In actual fact, there are 
only 37 new nuclear reactors currently under construction. This will not be 
enough to compensate for the decline world-wide.

The forecast of the Swiss researchers is close to the lowest prognoses of OECD 
experts that also indicate that nuclear energy is going to play a lesser role 
on a global level

436 nuclear reactors world-wideThe media have reacted with glee to the 
completely contrary results arrived at by the "Prognos" researchers compared to 
the construction boom predicted for nuclear power stations that has never 
actually come to pass. “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, for instance, gloated: “The 
mythical renaissance of nuclear power.” Everything has been prepared for the 
big comeback of nuclear power that will never even take place! 

There are plans as far as the eye can see. Poland is looking for a site for a 
new nuclear power station, possibly not far from the German border. Switzerland 
is intending to build new reactors. The United Kingdom has invited investors. 
Italy has overturned its exit from nuclear power, as has Sweden. A new reactor 
is under construction in Finland, and in France too. Everything seems to have 
been prepared for the big renaissance of nuclear power. But only in theory. In 
reality, the role played by reactors will decline over the next few years. Many 
nuclear projects world-wide are already at a standstill. In view of the growing 
financing problems and political instability, only a third of the planned new 
projects will be realized world-wide. At best. And wherever construction is 
under way, there are also problems, the “Süddeutsche” continues. Many projects 
that were thought to be dead certs are about to be cancelled. 

Prognos AG, Basel

Henric Petri Strasse 9
CH-4010 Basel
Telephone: +41 61 3273-200
Telefax: +41 61 3273-300
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