If you read my article you will see that I have specifically mentioned quota
for Muslim women, and the problem of overall very low representation of
Muslims, men and women both, in parliament and assemblies.
Also, far from homogenising, I have made a distinction between Mulayam and
Laloo who are raising a false bogey and using patriarchal and anti-women
arguments, and various others who might possibly have genuine apprehensions
about the Bill. regarding the latter, I have said that while the
apprehensions are in my opinion unfounded, still one can accommodate them in
the Bill.
I can obviously speak only for myself and my organisation not for all
others. Perhaps those who lump all critics of Laloo Mulayam and Co as
"anti-OBC" or "anti-minority" are homogenising...

On 6 April 2010 11:08, Afthab Ellath <aftha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Kavitha,
> Why do you homogenize those who raised skepticism over the present
> provisions of the WRB as a single category ? How can Mulayam Singh who is
> going to oppose WRB even sub-quota is introduced will be equated to those
> who argue for a more representative WRB and even general quota?
> While you argue that fair representation of OBC is already there in the
> legislative bodies, why do you ignore the question of pathetic muslim
> representation, though it was the very point raised in Ram Punyani's letter
> and subsequent discussion?
> Is it not deliberate obfuscation?
> While one cannot homogenize those who oppose the present provisions of the
> bill, equally it cant be done regarding those who support the bill in the
> present form as well.... For you and many it will be OK even if sub-quota is
> introduced... *But it is not, for BJP and CPM, who has pledged to oppose
> the bill if sub quota is introduced...* And this may be true for Abdul
> Rasheed as well...
> Afthab Ellath
> On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Kavita Krishnan 
> <kavitakris...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Abdul has correctly identified the politics of those opposing the Bill.
>> That politics further stands proved by the fact that Mulayam has openly said
>> he will oppose the WRB EVEN if sub-quota for OBCs and minorities is granted!
>> And Congress' politics is that they can conveniently pose as champions of
>> women's empowerment while letting Laloo Mulayam and Co do the job of
>> ensuring that it is stalled and delayed.
>> In my article
>> http://www.tehelka.com/story_main44.asp?filename=Op030410opinion.asp I
>> have argued, "Without the aid of reservation, OBC representation in
>> Assemblies and Parliament has increased to form a sizeable contingent,
>> proportional with their representation in the population. That is why the
>> demand for an OBC quota has never arisen, unless in context of the WRB.
>> Opponents of the Bill have argued that privileged upper caste women will
>> steal a march over deprived OBC women, and that is how the Congress and BJP
>> hope to reverse the post- Mandal OBC assertion in politics. Experience does
>> not provide much basis for such fears: in the 14th Lok Sabha, of the 50
>> women MPs, 30 percent (15) were of the OBC category. In other words, once
>> given a chance, the performance of OBC women in electoral politics seems to
>> match those of OBC men, since politics is not a personality contest, and it
>> is the position of candidate and party in the social balance of forces,
>> rather than individual privilege alone, that is the main consideration in
>> candidate selection, as well as in electoral victory.
>> Notwithstanding the above arguments and evidence, the question of quota
>> for OBC women within the women’s quota should not become a pretext for
>> stalling the Bill, and no objection need be raised to the incorporation of
>> such a quota as long as the 33 percent provision is not diluted....
>> ...The progressive women’s movement that has been the true pioneer of the
>> Women’s Bill can call the bluff of the ‘pro- Women’s Bill’ camp as well as
>> the ‘social justice’ camp. The question of quota-within-quota for OBCs and
>> minorities should not be allowed to become an excuse for stalling the Bill.
>> Specific provisions for quota-within-quota for these sections can be
>> incorporated into the Bill, but the principle of 33 percent quota for women
>> must not be truncated or diluted, and the Bill must not be indefinitely
>> delayed on any pretext."
>> Having recognised the politics being played with the WRB Bill, there is no
>> need to oppose the demand for quota within quota either. After all, the
>> latter can do no harm, and any genuine concerns or apprehensions in this
>> regard should be addressed non-withstanding the insincerity of
>> Laloo-Mulayam-Maya. And why should we allow this demand to hijack and stall
>> women's reservation itself?
>> On 5 April 2010 22:28, Abdul Rasheed <rasheed...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> By raising the issue of seperate OBC/minorites reservation, the aim of
>>> its propagators are to stall the WRB indefinitely. Since there are no
>>> reservations for OBCs in general seats, why they demand such reservations
>>> only among WRB. So their purpose is very clear.
>>> regards
>>> Abdul Rasheed
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Kavita Krishnan <kavitakris...@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 6:16 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [GreenYouth] Fwd: Women's Reservation Bill- Reservation
>>> forDalit/OBC/Minority women- pl endorse
>>> To: greenyouth@googlegroups.com
>>> I have made it very clear in my statement as well as in published
>>> writings that I and my organisation are not opposed to reservation within
>>> reservation. It seems you are so busy abusing me as an 'upper caste
>>> feminist' that you can';t see that I am an ally of anyone genuinely
>>> concerned about representation of women among dalits/OBCs/minorities. But in
>>> that zeal, it does not help to give wrong facts. You weer arguing that the
>>> WRB will lead to fewer dalit women in parltt - I was proving otherwise.
>>> On 2 April 2010 08:26, ranju radha <ranjura...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> i havent done a calculation. but it seems that these caste hindu women
>>>> seem to be cleverer than we thought. so how many seats for handful of
>>>> "upper" caste women? and how many for the majoritarian rest? let there
>>>> be populationwise distribution. Why not?
>>>> and pls do enlighten me abt the provisions, if not a burden.
>>>> And pls tell me how reservation within reservation is going to dilute
>>>> it?
>>>> aslo delighted to see this sudden "upper" caste love for reservation.
>>>> On 4/1/10, Kavita Krishnan <kavitakris...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > It seems Ranju Radha is unaware of the provisions of the WRB. It does
>>>> > already have provision for 33% quota to apply for the already existing
>>>> quota
>>>> > for SC/STs. So SC/ST women will automatically get more seats (at least
>>>> 40)
>>>> > in Parliament if the WRB is passed.
>>>> > I feel that we should call the bluff of Mulayam Laloo and even
>>>> Congress and
>>>> > say: include a quota for OBCs and minorities to address any genuine
>>>> > misgivings about the lack of representation of these sections - but we
>>>> will
>>>> > not allow the WRB to be indefinitely stalled or diluted on this
>>>> pretext.
>>>> >
>>>> > On 1 April 2010 09:48, ranju radha <ranjura...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> "First of all, the SC and ST will automatically have their quota (of
>>>> >> reservation) within (women's) quota."
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> How come? unless u make provisions within it? why are u scared of
>>>> giving
>>>> >> space to Dalit/obc/minority/adivasi women?
>>>> >>
>>>> >> What make one ignore the issue representation of
>>>> Dalit/adivasi/minority
>>>> >> women?
>>>> >> shear casteism. nothing else
>>>> >> one should have atleast the openness shown by mulayam?
>>>> >> it s shame that these "upper" caste feminists and politicians do not
>>>> >> possess it
>>>> >> tragedy !
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 7:48 AM, Sukla Sen <sukla....@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> The "demand" for sub-quota, by no stretch, is a "demand". It's just
>>>> an
>>>> >>> alibi. A pure and simple "alibi" to block women's reservation.
>>>> >>> First of all, the SC and ST will automatically have their quota (of
>>>> >>> reservation) within (women's) quota. to ask for it is a mere act of
>>>> >>> deception.
>>>> >>> There is no such reservation for OBCs or Muslims in state or central
>>>> >>> legislatures, so there will be none here either. Till some other
>>>> >>> amendments
>>>> >>> are made.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> These selfsame worthies, it is pertinent to note, had no problem
>>>> with
>>>> >>> women's reservation in Panchayats. Because these are too
>>>> insignificant
>>>> >>> from
>>>> >>> their point of view.
>>>> >>> Nor they are known to ever have raised any women's issues other than
>>>> >>> this.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Sukla
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> On 31 March 2010 18:38, <womce...@bom7.vsnl.net.in> wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> Dear Ram,
>>>> >>>> Am rather surprised to see this posting by you, that too asking for
>>>> >>>> endorsement. I thought there had been a meeting by WRAG etc at the
>>>> Press
>>>> >>>> club and sub reservation had been rejected. Which Muslim women's
>>>> groups
>>>> >>>> (or
>>>> >>>> other women's groups have you consulted before asking for
>>>> endorsement?
>>>> >>>> Please do let me know. (Though I have refused to be a vociferous
>>>> >>>> advocate of
>>>> >>>> the Women's legislative bodies reservation bill, the goings on in
>>>> >>>> parliament
>>>> >>>> and the SP leader's absurd behaviour and statements have really
>>>> offended
>>>> >>>> many of us.)
>>>> >>>> This statement makes a point about Dalit reservation being
>>>> implemented
>>>> >>>> in
>>>> >>>> Muslim majority areas. Why raise it in relation to the bill for
>>>> women's
>>>> >>>> reservation? And why does a what sounds like a mainly Muslim male
>>>> group
>>>> >>>> of
>>>> >>>> upper or middle class professionals (never mind if some women are
>>>> there
>>>> >>>> too)
>>>> >>>> speak on behalf of other minorities? Which other minority women or
>>>> >>>> women's
>>>> >>>> groups have they consulted? I ask because I have not heard of any
>>>> such
>>>> >>>> demand from any Christian women's groups for example. If you have,
>>>> >>>> please do
>>>> >>>> let me know.
>>>> >>>> �with warm regards,
>>>> >>>> Ammu Abraham
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> >>>> From: ram puniyani <jhan...@yahoo.com>
>>>> >>>> Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:08 pm
>>>> >>>> Subject: [indiathinkersnet] Women's Reservation Bill- Reservation
>>>> >>>> forDalit/OBC/Minority women- pl endorse
>>>> >>>> To: Ram R Puniyani <ram.puniy...@gmail.com>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> > Striving for Muslim Empowerment
>>>> >>>> > Association of Muslim Professionals
>>>> >>>> > 68/69 Umar Manzil, 5th Road, Khar (West), Mumbai 400052
>>>> >>>> > www.ampindia.org �
>>>> >>>> > i...@ampindia.org
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > Women's Reservation Bill: Seeking Muslim Representation
>>>> >>>> > Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP), a not for profit, non-
>>>> >>>> > political and non-sectarian organization, endeavours to promote
>>>> >>>> > social welfare, community spirit, and economic prosperity through
>>>> >>>> > education and knowledge augmentation, in the society. AMP had
>>>> >>>> > taken the initiative to provide an unbiased platform, where
>>>> people
>>>> >>>> > were invited to come and share their opinion on the Women's
>>>> >>>> > Reservation Bill, which was recently passed in the Rajya Sabha,
>>>> >>>> > and will be introduced to the Lok Sabha, very soon. AMP had
>>>> >>>> > conducted discussions and debates on this Bill at various places
>>>> >>>> > in Mumbai, and other cities across the country, and based on
>>>> >>>> > conclusions reached, and feedback from various luminaries,
>>>> >>>> > intellectuals, and the general masses AMP presents its stand as
>>>> >>>> > follows:
>>>> >>>> > 1. The proposed legislation to reserve 33% percent seats in
>>>> >>>> > Parliament, and State Legislatures for women which was first
>>>> >>>> > introduced in the Lok Sabha on September 12, 1996 would only help
>>>> >>>> > women of the elitist groups to gain seats, therefore causing
>>>> >>>> > further discrimination and under-representation of the poor, and
>>>> >>>> > backward classes.
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > 2. Reservations for Dalit seats have been made specifically in
>>>> >>>> > areas where Muslims are in substantial numbers, often 50% or
>>>> more.
>>>> >>>> > So no Muslim can get elected from those constituencies, as Dalit
>>>> >>>> > Muslims have not been granted the 'Dalit' status, in spite of
>>>> >>>> > Ranganath Mishra Commission having recommended it, firmly. AMP's
>>>> >>>> > apprehension is that with women's reservation, the total number
>>>> of
>>>> >>>> > such 'reserved' seats will further mitigate the chances for
>>>> >>>> > Muslims to get elected.
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > 3. Despite having a population of around 16 per cent, Muslims
>>>> have
>>>> >>>> > only 5.52% representation in the Parliament. Currently there are
>>>> >>>> > 29 Muslim MPs in the country in the 15th Lok Sabha which includes
>>>> >>>> > only three Muslim women MPs (approx 5% ). If 33 % reservation for
>>>> >>>> > women is added to the existing 22.5 % for scheduled castes and
>>>> >>>> > tribes, more than 50 per cent of seats in Parliament would be
>>>> >>>> > reserved. This will result in drastic reduction of the already
>>>> >>>> > ridiculously low representation of the Minorities, especially
>>>> >>>> > Muslims in the Parliament.
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > 4. The Sachhar Committee Report, and recently the Ranganath
>>>> Mishra
>>>> >>>> > Commission have elaborated upon the poor socio-economic condition
>>>> >>>> > of Muslims in the country. As per the Sachhar Committee
>>>> >>>> > recommendations Muslims of the country need pro-active support
>>>> >>>> > from the government for upliftment. The government needs to re-
>>>> >>>> > analyse the Women's Reservation Bill, and make necessary
>>>> >>>> > amendments, keeping in mind the dismal status of Minorities,
>>>> >>>> > especially the Muslim community, in the country.
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > 5. AMP is not opposed to women's reservation, but the case of
>>>> >>>> > Muslims, and other religious minorities should not be overlooked.
>>>> >>>> > There should be reservation within reservation for women from the
>>>> >>>> > Muslim and other minority groups. The bill in its current form is
>>>> >>>> > a mockery of the pursuit of societal equality that the great
>>>> >>>> > founding fathers of our nation had envisaged, as it will only
>>>> >>>> > benefit the already dominant classes of the society.
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > 6. Women's Reservation Bill was a big hope for Muslim women whose
>>>> >>>> > presence is almost negligible in the Indian political system.
>>>> >>>> > Those hopes have been dashed, because if the Women's Reservation
>>>> >>>> > Bill in its current form becomes a law, there are fair chances
>>>> >>>> > that the number of Muslims may go down.
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > 7. This Bill exposes the negligent, and callous attitude of the
>>>> >>>> > major parties towards Muslims, the biggest minority group of the
>>>> >>>> > country. These parties make tall claims about wishing the
>>>> >>>> > involvement of all religious sections of the country in politics,
>>>> >>>> > but when it comes to the reservation of Muslims, they backtrack.
>>>> >>>> > This attitude of the political parties should change if there has
>>>> >>>> > to be any palpable improvement in the development index of the
>>>> >>>> > Muslims, and other marginalized communities. Taking the above
>>>> >>>> > points into context, we, the undersigned, strongly oppose the
>>>> >>>> > existing Women's Reservation Bill in its current form. We appeal
>>>> >>>> > to the political leadership of this country to take cognisance of
>>>> >>>> > the above points and facilitate the representation of Minorities,
>>>> >>>> > especially Muslims in the Women's Reservation Bill, and not
>>>> >>>> > overlook the interests of the marginalised sections of the
>>>> society.
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>  __._
>>>> >>> Peace Is Doable
>>>> >>>
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>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> " The so called caste-hindus are bitterly opposed to the depressed
>>>> class
>>>> >> using a public tank not because they really believe that the water
>>>> will be
>>>> >> thereby spoiled or will evaporate but because they are afraid of
>>>> losing
>>>> >> their superiority of caste and of equality being established between
>>>> the
>>>> >> former and the latter. We are resorting to this satyagraha not
>>>> becasue we
>>>> >> believe that the water of this particular tank has any exceptional
>>>> >> qualities, but to establish our natural rights as citizens and human
>>>> >> beings."
>>>> >>
>>>> >> - Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha Conference, December 25th , 1927
>>>> >>
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>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> " The so called caste-hindus are bitterly opposed to the depressed
>>>> class using a public tank not because they really believe that the
>>>> water will be thereby spoiled or will evaporate but because they are
>>>> afraid of losing their superiority of caste and of equality being
>>>> established between the former and the latter. We are resorting to
>>>> this satyagraha not becasue we believe that the water of this
>>>> particular tank has any exceptional qualities, but to establish our
>>>> natural rights as citizens and human beings."
>>>> - Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Mahad Satyagraha Conference, December 25th , 1927
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