US to join advisory group once shunned


WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is preparing to join an international
advisory group that the U.S. has largely shunned due to fears it would adopt
anti-Israeli and anti-Western stances, U.S. officials said Wednesday.

The officials told The Associated Press the administration plans to announce
as early as this week that it will begin a formal relationship with the
Alliance of Civilizations.

The five-year-old, U.N.-backed organization aims to ease strains between
societies and cultures, particularly the West and Islam.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not
authorized to discuss the decision publicly.

The Bush administration boycotted the group when it was founded in 2005 over
concerns it would become a forum for bashing Israel and the United States.
Those concerns were magnified a year later when the alliance released a
report that officials in Washington said unfairly blamed Israel and the U.S.
for many of the world's problems.

Since President Barack Obama came into office last year, the U.S. has slowly
opened the door to informal dealings with the alliance, including attending
some of its meetings as an observer.

But the U.S. had yet to join the alliance by becoming a member of its "Group
of Friends," countries and organizations that have lent their names and
support to its goal of countering the rise of religious extremism and
cultural polarization.

The decision to join grows out of Obama's desire to broaden U.S.
participation in international groups and improve its standing in the Muslim

Earlier moves have included Obama's thus-far failed outreach to Iran and
Syria, his speech last year to the Muslim world in Cairo and the U.S.
decision to join the much-criticized U.N. Human Rights Commission.

The U.S. also participated in preparatory meetings for a U.N. conference on
racism that the administration ultimately boycotted over anti-Semitism

The U.S. had been the only member of the Group of 20 major advanced and
emerging economies to refuse to join the friends group, which now includes
118 countries and organizations.

Many nations in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia are
members along with multilateral blocs including the Arab League and
Organization of the Islamic Conference. Israel and the U.S. have been among
the conspicuous holdouts.

The officials said earlier fears about the "imbalances" in the group, which
was set up by Spain and Turkey, had been addressed after the U.S. expressed
"serious concerns" about the 2006 report.

That report focused on the Middle East and identified Israel's
"disproportionate retaliatory actions in Gaza and Lebanon" as a main cause
of Muslim-Western tension.

The officials said the administration had been assured by its current
leader, former Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio, that it would take a
"more positive" approach to its work.

The officials said they had consulted closely with Israel on the decision to
join the alliance. Israel has no plans to join, diplomats said.

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