[I can tell you one prominent politician who has drastically degraded
the quality of political discourse in this country and has repeatedly
advocated violence from the microphone — Donald Trump. Over and over
again, throughout his campaign, Trump spoke of how he yearned for the
day where protesters were carried out on stretchers and how he'd
personally pay for the legal costs his supporters incurred for being
violent with protesters. That wasn't Hillary Clinton. That wasn't
Bernie Sanders. That was Donald Trump. To this very day, he has
supporters in legal trouble for the violence he encouraged at his
The United States is the only country in the world that has more guns
than people. That's why nearly 100 people a day are shot and killed in
this country. Frankly, with as many guns as our country has in
circulation, it's surprising that we don't see more targeted shootings
like the one we saw Wednesday.]


KING: Blaming Bernie Sanders or progressives for congressional
baseball shooting is preposterous
Shaun King

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 3:15 PM

Bernie Sanders from the floor of the U.S. Senate Wednesday spoke out
firmly against the horrific shooting that took place at a
congressional baseball practice. Sanders, in his remarks, also
acknowledged early reports that the alleged shooter, James Hodgkinson,
was said to be a volunteer for his presidential campaign.

In today's gotcha culture, thousands of statements are now being
tweeted blaming Bernie, blaming progressives, blaming the Democratic
Party, blaming the Julius Caesar play, blaming everything and
everybody imaginable for this shooting. Just moments ago I saw some
fool online saying "Shaun King has blood on his hands."

Not Released (NR)
Bernie Sanders has never advocated violence against conservatives or
even suggested that we should consider violence as a worthwhile tactic
as we fight against problematic policies. (WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY IMAGES)
All of that is absolutely preposterous.

Law enforcement officers stand near a pool of blood after the June 14,
2017 early morning shooting in Alexandria, Virginia.


Gunmen opens fire at GOP baseball practice in Virginia
First off, Bernie is as close to a pacifist hippy as we have in the
Senate. The man worshiped the ground Dr. King walked on and has been
an advocate for non-violent protests and boycotts his entire life. He
has never advocated violence against Donald Trump, against
conservatives, or even suggested that we should consider violence as a
worthwhile tactic as we fight against problematic policies. This
notion that Bernie, of all people, had anything to do with Wednesday's
violence is foolhardy, unintelligent and poorly considered.

Sanders 'sickened' by Va. shooting, rejects connection to gunman
Not Released (NR)
Rep. Steve Scalise, the House Majority Whip, was shot in the hip and
required surgery after the attack at the baseball field. (WIN

Secondly, the progressive movement in general is a movement about
organizing and empowering people for systemic political change. I am a
part of this movement. I was a volunteer for Bernie's presidential
campaign. To this very day I work directly with several dozen
progressive grassroots organizations fighting for real change in this
country. I've attended and hosted and contributed to hundreds of
meetings with these organizations. Not once, publicly or privately,
did a single person in a single meeting I was a part of ever suggest,
explicitly or implicitly, that someone should go do what James
Hodgkinson allegedly did today. Period.

Shooting suspect James T. Hodgkinson
Shooting suspect James T. Hodgkinson

I don't know James Hodgkinson or what inspired him, but I can say with
complete confidence that it damn sure wasn't Bernie Sanders or the
progressive movement he helps lead.

A police officer stands near Eugene Simpson Field, the site where a
gunman opened fire Wednesday in Alexandria, Va.
A police officer stands near Eugene Simpson Field, the site where a
gunman opened fire Wednesday in Alexandria, Va. (ZACH GIBSON/GETTY

I can tell you one prominent politician who has drastically degraded
the quality of political discourse in this country and has repeatedly
advocated violence from the microphone — Donald Trump. Over and over
again, throughout his campaign, Trump spoke of how he yearned for the
day where protesters were carried out on stretchers and how he'd
personally pay for the legal costs his supporters incurred for being
violent with protesters. That wasn't Hillary Clinton. That wasn't
Bernie Sanders. That was Donald Trump. To this very day, he has
supporters in legal trouble for the violence he encouraged at his

Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.), manager of the Republican team, speaks to
reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington Wedensday after the shooting.
Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.), manager of the Republican team, speaks to
reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington Wedensday after the shooting.

That's not to say that Donald Trump caused James Hodgkinson to do what
he did — because that man is grown and makes his own decisions — but
we've clearly crossed over into an ugly place in this country where
the manner in which people speak to and treat one another has devolved
into something terrible.

LUPICA: GOP won't budge on gun debate — even after Va. shooting

The United States is the only country in the world that has more guns
than people. That's why nearly 100 people a day are shot and killed in
this country. Frankly, with as many guns as our country has in
circulation, it's surprising that we don't see more targeted shootings
like the one we saw Wednesday.

Like after every mass shooting, I continued to see conservatives say,
"Now is not the time to talk about gun control." I saw others say,
"How dare they talk politics while blood is still fresh on the
ground?" But here's the hard truth — in America, blood is always fresh
on the ground. Somebody is always getting shot and killed here. This
notion that we must wait for some mythical point in time between
shootings to be able to talk about how to fix our problems is bogus.
That time never comes. It never will come. In fact, I don't know if I
can recall a time in my life where conservatives have ever been ready
to have a serious conversation about gun control.

Nonetheless, here we are. It seems like our nation has lost its will
to tackle our most difficult national challenges.

Peace Is Doable

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