[An old *unauthorised* piece of info repackaged and recycled as something
fresh and authentic (without, of course, indicating any source for the
figure cited)!
<<A majority of corporate entities that were struck off the government’s
companies roster following demonetisation have not come back to claim their
bank deposits, which are to the tune of Rs 37,500 crore, an official in the
Ministry of Corporate Affairs told Moneycontrol *on condition of anonymity*
[emphasis added].>>
(Ref.: <
Evidently, a deliberate attempt to mislead.

Very much in tandem with that, there's just no mention of the fact that the
Attorney General, the highest law officer of the Union Government, had
informed the Supreme Court, and no less, that the government expects 4-5
lakh crore rupees not to return to the banks, post-demonetisation.
(Ref.: <
The (fictitious?) figure of Rs. 37,500 cr., it goes without saying, is just
a pittance as compared to Rs. 4-5 lakh crore.

As regards the claim of spike in tax collections here's a detailed report:
<<While indirect tax collections have lagged, direct tax collections have
been robust. Evidently, the demonetisation shock in November 2016 did lead
to an increase in income tax collections—both from individuals and firms.
However, this increase in tax revenues after demonetisation do not appear
to be staggering enough or unprecedented to justify such a large-scale
disruption. Part of the increase in direct tax collections in 2016-17, the
year of demonetisation, can be attributed to the Income Disclosure Scheme
2016, as an earlier Plain Facts story pointed out.
Further, the rate of increase in direct tax collections post demonetisation
has not been entirely unprecedented. The 18% growth rate in direct taxes
achieved in 2017-18 was similar to the growth seen in 2010-11.
While the number of taxpayers jumped in the assessment year 2016-17, the
growth rate fell to familiar levels in the next year.>>
(Ref.: <


Deregistered companies decline to claim Rs 37,500 cr: Revelation is first
tangible outcome of demonetisation

Business S Murlidharan Dec 07, 2018 12:34:23 IST

The Narendra Modi government functionaries and its sympathisers have been
taking enormous pains from the date of demonetisation of high-value notes
of Rs 500 and Rs 100 to underscore the point that the fruits of
demonetisation would be available in the medium to long-term. And that in
the immediate term, the nation has to grin and bear the consequences of
this major reform that sucked out 86 percent of the currency in circulation.

The poor did more than that. They understood with their native intelligence
that what Prime Minister Narendra Modi had done was for their benefit to
strike against moneybags. The poor voted his party, the Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP), back to power in state after state post-demonetisation despite
standing in serpentine queues for nearly two months before automated teller
machines (ATMs) and bank cash counters to withdraw cash.

File photo of an ATM queue during demonetisation. PTI

While the poor understood, a section of the intelligentsia and the
Opposition joined hands to heckle the government despite tangential but by
no means illusory achievements in the medium-term itself---a surge in
indirect taxes [read Goods and Services Tax] registration by a hefty 50
percent and near-doubling of income tax returns in the aftermath of
demonetisation and GST. That the GST collections have surpassed the Rs
1,00,000 crore mark several times which is more than what all indirect
taxes put together fetched in the pre-GST era was lost on them.

The Modi government functionaries and its sympathisers have been crying
hoarse that mainstreaming of the economy would be the main achievement of
demonetisation after the dust settles down. Now there is a healthy and
new-found respect for digital transactions, away from cash transactions
that were de rigueur even for high-value property acquisitions.

The critics brushed aside the claims of mainstreaming of the economy on the
ground that it was first and foremost superficial and pyrrhic. They wanted
a here-and-now proof. And that they said was not available for according to
them the return of 99.3 percent of the demonetised notes into the banking
system spelt the failure of the whole exercise. They obstinately refused to
believe the remonstrations that deposits into banks of demonetised notes
didn’t make them legit per se and that the ongoing scrutiny would call the
bluff of the crooked depositors.

There are the first green shoots of direct achievement of demonetisation
visible now. There are credible reports that as many as Rs 37,500 crore of
deposits have been unclaimed by nearly 2.37 lakh deregistered companies.

The government had made a follow-up strike soon after demonetisation.
Freezing bank accounts of as many as 2.97 lakh companies suspected to be
shell companies were ordered after they were deregistered. Out of them,
only 60,000 have come clean to claim their bank deposits.

The vast majority, i.e. 2.37 lakh companies have apparently had a troubled
conscience and chosen not to stake any claim on a whopping Rs 37,500 crore
of deposits.

To be sure, there may be genuine reasons for this indifference, like the
company promoters being too old or abroad, etc., but that is not likely to
be substantial. For the majority of the shell companies, the wisdom lay in
cutting their losses and possible prison terms for their promoters hiding
black money behind shell companies. Discretion is the better part of valor.
Foregoing Rs 37,500 crore is any day a lesser loss for them than walking
into the trap laid by the government with grim consequences including a
prison term when a much larger cache is unearthed on scrutiny. A bulk of
the deposits is suspected to have been made during the tumultuous days of

Emboldened by this green shoot, the Modi government is reportedly hoping
for a rich cache---Rs 3 lakh crore of dubious deposits into banks. One
hopes this revelation at least casts aside the prejudice and blinkers of
Modi detractors. The prime minister himself admitted that there would be
labor pains caused by the cataclysmic demonetisation but the nation would
benefit in the long run. The Modi government’s first term in office has
resulted in a frontal attack on black money to show as its crowning

(The writer is a senior columnist and tweets @smurlidharan)

Updated Date: Dec 07, 2018 12:34 PM

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