First, Pakistan made a claim that the Indian Air Force (IAF) planes had 
violated the Line of Control (LoC) and these have been beaten back. In the 
process of hasty retreat, they offloaded their payload on Balakot (i.e. 
bombed Balakot), close to the LoC.

Then follows the Indian claim that the terroist camps across the LoC have 
been wiped out by the IAF in a surprise strike.
More than 300 have been killed.

There's an an old saying, of Greek origin: In war, truth is the first 

On the Indian side, as expected, the media is trumpeting the version dished 
out by the Indian state.
The Pakistani media must also be exactly a mirror image.

Evidently, the coming days, on the Indian side in particular, would be 
filled with the noise of war drumbeats, drowing out all other issues, 
otherwise expected to be raised in the campaign for a national poll.

It's precisely in this context, two comments made by this observer, 
post-Pulwama, gain special relevance.

<<Taking a cue from the parliamentary poll following the Kargil war, 
resulting from a massive intelligence failure on the Indian side, Modi will 
do his utmost to keep stoking hatred and thereby, also, deflect public 
attention from the huge failure of his Kashmir policy, as amply reflected 
in sharply rising number of casualties, on all sides, over the last four 
years or so.
(Ref.: 'As Car Bomb Kills 44 CRPF Troopers, 94% Rise In Death Toll Of 
Security Forces in J&K In 4 Years' at <>
and <

While "coercive dplomacy", or whatever, is sure to fail to bring in any 
positive outcome for India  - if past experience is any indicator (ref.: 
'Pulwama terror attack: Punishing Pakistan — the options India has' at sl. 
no. I. below), it may, nevertheless, very well prove to be an effective 
Who bothers about the consequences for India and Kashmir.
(Ref.: 'Pulwama Aftermath: What’s Best for Modi May Not Be What’s Best for 
India' at sl. no. II. below.)

***There may also, again, be announcement of another round of dramatic 
"surgical strikes" in the midst of the poll.*** [Emphasis added now.] 
The declaration that the Army would "act" at a time of its own choosing 
keeps that possibility very much open, given the huge risks inherent in any 
serious military action.

It's against this specific context, one has to ponder over the following.

I. The plain fact is that both the concerned countries are armed with 
nuclear weapons along with all the three delivery platforms, necessary to 
ensure the capacity to strike back after being hit by the "first strike".

A "war", thus, could too soon spin out of control and turn into a nuclear 
one wiping out, at least, much of the region, if not the humanity as a 
whole (ref.: 'India-Pakistan nuclear war could 'end human civilisation'' at 

Even a talk of "war" is too risky and utterly irresponsible. 

II. A suicide bomber is a highly motivated one, unlike a professional paid 
soldier, regardless of the (usual) big difference in skill levels. 
That cause/trigger of motivation needs be assessed. 

In the present case, for the young local boy - the suicide bomber, 
reportedly, the immediate trigger for turning a militant was having been 
bashed up and humiliated by the Indian troops (ref.: <
Also relevant: 'First time since 2000, more local recruits killed than 
foreign militants: J&K cops' at <>
and 'Army Fired to Kill, Used Civilians as Human Shields: Witnesses Recount 
Kashmir’s Bloody Weekend: Seven civilians, including minor boys, were 
killed in clashes that followed the encounter of three militants in south 
Kashmir’s Kharpora.' at <

III. The leaders of the Indian state must shed its persistent stupid 
refusal to "engage".
*It's a well tried and tested failed method.* 

***There has got to be persistent efforts to engage in dialogue with all 
the stakeholders.
To begin with, it won't be easy, given the past history. 
Even then, this is the only way ahead.
(Perhaps, it's about time to involve a credible third party, e.g. the UNSC 
Secretary General (or a neutral country like Norway), given the persistent 
failiure of the two concerned countries to sort out the issues all by 
It doesn't mean letting one's guard down. 
It involves calibrated scaling down of "conflicts".

IV. None of these can, however, be expected from a regime whose very 
survival depends on its ability to constantly stir up hatred against the 
real and constructed adversarial "others".

V. Hence ...>>

(Ref.: 'In the Wake of Pulwama: India's Options: Two Comments', dtd. Feb. 
18 2018, at <!searchin/greenyouth/In$20the$20Wake$20of$20Pulwama$3A$20India$27s$20options$20two$20comments%7Csort:date/greenyouth/Hi2eWHkAC0g/G8CUS_YKBQAJ

<<The easiest outlet for the insane, yet impotent, rage of the (Hindu) 
Indian masses, or at least significant sections thereof, at the gross 
humiliation suffered, is to vote for the most strident, never ever bother 
about the actual effectiveness, of the anti-Pak/anti-Muslim party, in a 
That's the only revenge one can take, which one must. 
Hell with sane reasons. 

But, then, it's not only India. 
In any, whatever, country war or war-like situations work to the benefits 
of the national jingoists.
More so, if they're in power. 

As an illustration, Stalin consolidated his power farther, in the course of 
the WWII, regardless of the immense disaster that his grossly cynical 
alliance with Hitler would bring in for the Soviet masses.
In order to reap the advantage in the midst of a desperate situation caused 
by a totally unanticipated betrayal he'd have to change the 
'Internationale' (ref.: <>) as the national 
anthem, which had been adopted in the wake of the November Revolution, as a 
prominent mark of the new born state's commitment to the idea of world 
revolution, and replace it with a truly "national" one. Also noteworthy is 
the rehabilitatations the Tsarist era despots and bloodhounds as national 
icons (ref.: <
That helped to galvanise the "nation" behind him and make the supreme 

Conversely, even Hitler was, as it appears, immensely popular with the 
German masses, till the very end.

The situation needs very imaginative handling.
Even that may fall far short. 

<<The terrorist attack at Pulwama, killing 40 Indian soldiers, provides 
Narendra Modi a huge but risky chance to portray himself as the toughest 
politician in India. Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s victory in the 1999 Kargil war 
helped him win the next general election. Can Modi use Pulwama to do the 
He must avoid military action, which could backfire badly. Far wiser would 
be new forms of political theatre, similar to his “surgical strikes” in 
2016, in retaliation for the attack on our armed forces at Uri. That 
satisfied the public demand for action without risking dangerous escalation 
into all-out war.>>>>
(Excerpted from: <

(Ref.: 'A Godsend Opportunity for Modi! 'Stick to political theatre, it is 
safer than risking war with Pak'', dtd. Feb. 24, at <!topic/greenyouth/M0zhNzT4hXE>.)

Reproduced below are three representative samples of Pakistani, Indian and 
a Third Party version.

<<Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor
Verified account
Follow Follow @OfficialDGISPR
Indian aircrafts intruded from Muzafarabad sector. Facing timely and 
effective response from Pakistan Air Force released payload in haste while 
escaping which fell near Balakot. No casualties or damage.

5:36 PM - 25 Feb 2019>>

(That's the essence of the Pakistani version, at <>.)

<<AF strikes in Pakistan underscores resolve and will power of new India. 
India will never tolerate terrorism

BJP chief Amit Shah
[13:49 (IST), FEB 26]
Surgical strike 2.0: Four reasons why this is a totally different ballgame 

India’s foreign secretary has confirmed India struck the biggest training 
camp of Jaish e Mohammed (JeM) in Balakot in the early hours on Tuesday. 
This is unlike the previous strikes because it is for the first time in 
recent times that India has struck deep inside Pakistan territory.>>
[13:29 (IST), FEB 26]

(Ref.: <

<<Indian warplanes conducted airstrikes in the Pakistan-controlled side of 
Kashmir on Tuesday, Pakistani officials said, in an escalation of tensions 
between the nuclear-armed nations after a suicide bombing against Indian 
troops in the disputed region this month.

If confirmed, it would be the first time that Indian aircraft had crossed 
the Kashmir Line of Control to strike in years. But it was unclear what, if 
anything, the attack jets hit on the Pakistani side, raising the 
possibility that India was making a calculated bet to assuage public anger 
but minimize the risk of a major Pakistani military response.

A spokesman for Pakistan’s armed forces, Maj. Gen. Asif Ghafoor, on Tuesday 
posted on Twitter four images of a forested area pockmarked with small 
craters and debris, which he said was the site of Indian airstrikes.>>

(This is a Third Party version, 'Indian Jets Strike on Pakistani Side of 
Kashmir Line', at <

Apart from other implications, one can only hope that the things do not 
spin out of control and end up in a nuclear holocaust.

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