[Stating the very obvious. 

Of course, control over the levers of state, including the armed forces and 
the intelligence wings, puts a ruling outfit, with no whatever commitment 
to democratic, or for that matter any ethical, principle, in a position of 
great advantage. 

Modi had shown up his level of commitment to ethics by way of hurling the 
charge of treason, just out of thin air, against his immediate predecessor 
and the previous Vice President of the country. 
He has also, via demonetisation against all legitimate professional advice, 
demonstrated, pretty conclusively, that he is no risk-averse person, in 
fact more than willing to make a move, which saner minds would consider 
reckless, in pursuit of his objective. 

By sending military aircrafts into Pakistani sky, he has, undoubtedly, 
rewritten the rules of the game which came into being in the wake of May 
Never mind whether any "terrorist camp" has been actually destroyed or not.
Vajpayee had to send his External Affairs Minister as the escort for the 
released "terrorists" to be physically handed over in Kandahar. 
And, 'Operation Parakram' just fizzled out. 

His goal would now be to capture two-third majority in the parliament. 

A few weeks are still left.
And, Pakistan's response is, at least somewhat, unknown quantity. 

There's a faint possibility that, in the process, South Asia may suffer 
only too grievously.

P.S.: The conflict is (slowly) escalating, as it appears:


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