[Who counted the dead bodies?
And how?
Were terrorists expected to remain amassed and asleep, waiting to be bombed?
That too after Donald Trump issuing a warning signal two days back?
And what does the global media say?

A negotiated peace, negotiated with all the stakeholders, has no
A war has no real victor.

Also look up:
I. 'Surgical Strike in Pakistan a Botched Operation?
Indian jets carried out a strike against JEM targets inside Pakistani
territory, to questionable effect' at <
II. 'Pakistani village asks: Where are bodies of militants India says it
bombed?' at <
III. 'Balakot Strike: Pakistan To Lodge Complaint At UN Against India For
'Eco-Terrorism'' at <

***The analytical account at sl. no. II. below is truly remarkable.***

<<Even if we were to give latitude for imperfect targeting, the second
question is, would the airstrikes help in changing the behaviour of the
Pakistani deep state qua sponsorship of terror? The answer, unfortunately,
is no. Pakistan believes that the utilisation of semi-state actors has
furthered its strategic objectives in the broader South Asian region.
Despite all its treacheries, the United States still have to sup with
Pakistan because the ISI-military combine substantively controls the most
potent semi-state actor in South West Asia — the Taliban. A modus vivendi
with the Taliban is the sine qua non for an honourable US exit from
Afghanistan without making it look like a Vietnam moment.  For a nation
that believes that the use of terrorists is key to its strategic and
tactical policy in the region, a  hundred-odd foot soldiers and a
“knocked-out camp” is really expandable. They will easily be replenished
and the games will go on.
That brings you to the third question: What happens when the next big
terror attack takes place?  For it would happen as it is not the end yet.
Having responded to Pulwama with conventional hard power and “raised
temperatures”, the nation will expect an even more pointed response. What
would that be since even airstrikes have their limitations? Would next step
be war then?
That brings us to the fourth question: Is there space for a limited war
under a nuclear overhang between India and Pakistan? The 600-pound gorilla
in this equation is China that has huge investments in Pakistan courtesy
CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor). Is India really prepared for a
two-front situation given that our defence expenditure last year was the
lowest since 1962?
Finally, why did Pakistan de-escalate? It perhaps concluded that the
Balakot strike had not hurt it morally or materially, it had demonstrated
its retaliatory capacity in broad daylight and it had downed an Indian
asset and had a pilot in its custody. It was the perfect moment to show the
world that while India was the belligerent one, it was the responsible
state wanting peace. For Pakistan, this provided an opportunity to
whitewash the stain of being the Somalia of South Asia.  It was not the
United States, the Chinese or Saudi-UAE pressure, as some would like to
believe. Strategic calculations have to be based on hardheaded realism, not
jingoistic hyper-nationalism.>>
(Excerpted from sl. no. I. below.)

<<And then the story took an extraordinary turn. On March 1, a report in
The Indian Express, quoting an anonymous Indian military official, claimed
that the IAF hadn’t crossed the border at all. In this version of the
story, Indian aircraft fired the Israeli missiles used for the strike from
inside the LoC. If this is true, then the image conjured up in the minds of
Indians following the news, of Mirages streaking deep into Pakistani
airspace and startling the enemy, has to be replaced by the considerably
more prosaic picture of Indian fighter aircraft acting as firing platforms
inside Indian territory. This isn’t entirely the fault of the official
narrative: a diet of second world war movies has us stuck in an obsolete
past where planes have to be vertically above the ground that they target.
But it does make you wonder what the sound and fury of the last week was
actually about.
If the Indian air force claims to have attacked non-military targets from
inside the LoC with little to show for it and if the Pakistan air force
claims to have fired missiles from its side of the border and hit open
ground, both sides can take issue with each other’s version of events, but
to the wider world the exchange will seem like an expensive and dangerous
charade pretending to be purposeful military action. ***Given that the one
documented casualty was suffered by IAF (which, in turn, allowed the
Pakistan military’s favoured client, Imran Khan, to act like a magnanimous
statesman), it’s hard to know what the prime minister has to show for his
vaunted boldness. A lost plane and a returned PoW seem to be the verifiable
answers.*** [Emphasis added.]
And what of our chickenhawk anchors? Edward Thompson, the great historian,
once described an English journalist who specialized in publishing
government leaks as “a kind of official urinal in which, side by side, high
officials… stand patiently leaking in the public interest.” Marvellously
apposite though this is, it’s wrong in one particular: in the Indian case,
the high officials are redundant. The ‘journalists’ in question collect
their leaks at one remove, from news agencies as independent and as
committed to the truth as the Soviet TASS.>>
(Excerpted from sl. no. II. below.)]


Did India kill 300 terrorists in Balakot?

Manish Tewari
Manish Tewari is a lawyer and a former Union minister. The views expressed
are personal. Twitter handle @manishtewari

Published : Mar 3, 2019, 1:08 am IST Updated : Mar 3, 2019, 1:10 am IST

Pakistan claimed that it had deliberately targeted open spaces around the
military bases to demonstrate its capacity to retaliate.

The airstrikes carried out by the Indian Air force on February 26, 2019, at
Jaba Top, a Jaish-e-Mohammed facility in Balakot, has injected a new
dynamic in Indo-Pak relations. India demonstrated willingness to utilise
conventional hard power to contain and combat terror orchestrated by the
Pakistani state against India from 1979 onwards.

Pakistan retaliated the next day by bombing Indian military installations
in Nowshera. The bombs fell in the vicinity of these establishments without
causing any damage. Pakistan claimed that it had deliberately targeted open
spaces around the military bases to demonstrate its capacity to retaliate.
The Indian operation raises germane questions having long-term implications.

First, did the operation achieve its intended objective? Indian Air Force’s
chief, Air Vice-Marshal R.G.K. Kapoor, in response to a question, stated:
“It would be premature to say what is the number of casualties that we have
been able to inflict on those camps and what is the number of deaths.” This
factual statement belies the source-based “plants” in pliable and
jingoistic media outlets that 300 terrorists, trainers, indoctrinators and
their handlers had been eliminated in the airstrike.

Credible Western media outlets with access to the region like the New York
Times reported, “The view that little had been damaged was supported by
military analysts and two western security officials, who said that any
militant training areas at the site in the Pakistani province of (KPK,
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), had long since packed up or dispersed.” Washington
Post stated: “Initial reports from local police officials and residents who
spoke on the condition of anonymity confirmed that a strike took place in a
mountainous area a few miles outside town, but they said they saw no signs
of mass casualties.” Daily Telegraph wrote: “Villagers in the area told
Reuters they heard four loud bangs in the early hours of Tuesday but
reported only one person wounded by shrapnel.”

“We saw trees fallen down and one house damaged and four craters where the
bombs had fallen,” the Guardian said. “The attack was celebrated in India,
but it was unclear on Tuesday whether anything significant had been struck
by the fighter jets, or whether the operation had been carefully calibrated
to ease popular anger over the February 14 suicide bombing without drawing
a major Pakistani reprisal.” Gulf News recounted: “From what villagers
could see, the Indian attack had missed its target as the bombs dropped
exploded about a kilometre away from the madrasa. Fida Hussain Shah, a
46-year-old farmer, said he and other villagers had found pieces of Indian
ordnance that had splintered pine trees on the hill but the only casualty
was a man sleeping in his house when shrapnel broke the windows.”

An analysis by the Digital Forensics Lab of a leading US think tank led
with the headline —”Surgical Strike in Pakistan a Botched Operation.” It
pronounced: “Using open-source evidence and satellite imagery, @DFRLab was
able to confirm the location of the Indian airstrike to be near Balakot,
rather than inside it, and firmly within Pakistani territory. The target
was supposedly a JeM-led madrasa, but @DFRLab was unable to confirm that
any bombs reached buildings associated with it. The SPICE-2000 is a
precision-guided bomb that should not miss its target by the approximately
100 metres that the impact craters were from the nearest structures. The
autonomous nature of the SPICE-2000 adds mystery to why the bombs seemed to
miss. Satellite imagery did not suggest that any damage was inflicted to
nearby buildings. Vegetation and low imagery resolution could
hypothetically obscure structural damage, but this remains highly
improbably. Something appears to have gone wrong in the targeting process?”
In a nutshell, influential sections of the international media and
strategic community are of the view that the operation did not achieve its
purported objective.

Even if we were to give latitude for imperfect targeting, the second
question is, would the airstrikes help in changing the behaviour of the
Pakistani deep state qua sponsorship of terror? The answer, unfortunately,
is no. Pakistan believes that the utilisation of semi-state actors has
furthered its strategic objectives in the broader South Asian region.
Despite all its treacheries, the United States still have to sup with
Pakistan because the ISI-military combine substantively controls the most
potent semi-state actor in South West Asia — the Taliban. A modus vivendi
with the Taliban is the sine qua non for an honourable US exit from
Afghanistan without making it look like a Vietnam moment.  For a nation
that believes that the use of terrorists is key to its strategic and
tactical policy in the region, a  hundred-odd foot soldiers and a
“knocked-out camp” is really expandable. They will easily be replenished
and the games will go on.

That brings you to the third question: What happens when the next big
terror attack takes place?  For it would happen as it is not the end yet.
Having responded to Pulwama with conventional hard power and “raised
temperatures”, the nation will expect an even more pointed response. What
would that be since even airstrikes have their limitations? Would next step
be war then?

That brings us to the fourth question: Is there space for a limited war
under a nuclear overhang between India and Pakistan? The 600-pound gorilla
in this equation is China that has huge investments in Pakistan courtesy
CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor). Is India really prepared for a
two-front situation given that our defence expenditure last year was the
lowest since 1962?

Fifth, if a conventional response to terror in addition to being escalatory
is inefficacious, where do we go from here? The only answer is to
redevelop, expand and deploy lethal covert capacity that allegedly former
Prime Minister  IK Gujral dismantled in the late 1990s. For ghost wars can
only be fought using ghosts, not conventional means. The Indian state must
surmount its dilemmas about outsourced responses to terror.

Finally, why did Pakistan de-escalate? It perhaps concluded that the
Balakot strike had not hurt it morally or materially, it had demonstrated
its retaliatory capacity in broad daylight and it had downed an Indian
asset and had a pilot in its custody. It was the perfect moment to show the
world that while India was the belligerent one, it was the responsible
state wanting peace. For Pakistan, this provided an opportunity to
whitewash the stain of being the Somalia of South Asia.  It was not the
United States, the Chinese or Saudi-UAE pressure, as some would like to
believe. Strategic calculations have to be based on hardheaded realism, not
jingoistic hyper-nationalism.


Reporting Balakot: the truth of a pantomime war
It’s hard to know what the prime minister has to show for his vaunted
boldness besides a lost plane and a returned PoW

By Mukul Kesavan

Published 3.03.19, 9:15 AMUpdated 3.03.19, 9:16 AM
5 mins read

Indian Air Force officials in New Delhi on Thursday, February 28, show
sections of an exploded Amraam missile said to be fired by Pakistan
PTI Photo

The ongoing reportage on the cross-border skirmishing this last week has
been bewildering. The average news-consuming citizen could be forgiven for
wondering if anything he thought he knew about the Indian bombing of
Balakot and Pakistan’s response actually happened or whether every event in
this narrative was subject to continuous and radical revision.

The first impression anyone watching Indian news channels or reading its
newspapers would have had of the Indian raid was this. Indian aircraft
crossed the Line of Control for the first time since 1971. They didn’t
merely venture into Pakistan- occupied Kashmir; they flew into undisputed
Pakistani territory, into Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, within a hundred
miles of Islamabad, and bombed a terrorist camp. Their attack left hundreds
of terrorists dead. All Indian aircraft returned undamaged from their
daring and unprecedented raid on Pakistan.

The main takeaway from this first draft of history was this: India had
finally broken with the policy of restraint in the face of Pakistani
provocation. Instead of being blackmailed into quiescence by Pakistan’s
nuclear capability as Manmohan Singh’s government had been after the
terrorist rampages of 2008, Narendra Modi’s regime had boldly chosen to
draw new red lines. It had shown Pakistan’s deep State that India’s
response to ISI-sponsored terror would not be constrained by precedent or
convention, that India was willing to escalate the conflict in a precise
and targeted way.

Pakistan denied the existence of such a camp or any casualties and showed
photographs of a ploughed-up grove of pine trees, claiming that the swift
response of its air force had forced Indian pilots to hastily dump their
missiles on untenanted landscape. (Pakistan’s climate change minister,
manfully striving to establish an equivalence of terror, subsequently
accused India of bombing a forest reserve and being guilty of

Gradually, through the fog generated by shock-jock boosterism, the outlines
of another story became visible. In this version, the Indian government had
never formally put a number on the terrorists killed. That had been a bit
of colour attributed to ‘sources’ cited by patriotic news agencies. Nobody
knew the extent of destruction or the number of casualties. This was either
because satellite cameras had been obstructed by cloud cover or because the
Pakistanis had restricted access to the camp and repaired the damage before
it could be reported on, or because there had been no tenanted camp there
in the first place.

Sober national security pundits dealt with this mutating story by
encouraging their readers not to miss the wood for the trees. Whether
India’s aircraft had killed militants or pine groves was irrelevant. The
big picture was made up of India’s willingness to use air power to answer
terrorism, the depth of the incursion and the indelible lesson the
Pakistanis had been taught: namely, that India would not hesitate to strike
Pakistan’s mainland if it didn’t mend its rogue ways. This was not
exclusively a bhakt position; sage security experts, committed to the
national interest, not Mr Modi’s electoral fortunes, saw the attack as a
necessary, if long-deferred, lesson.

The Pakistani retaliation that followed almost immediately in broad
daylight was first successfully repulsed by India’s news channels, with
ranks of F-16s sent packing by the IAF’s MiG-21s. Pakistan had another
story. Its spokespersons claimed that two Indian planes had been shot down
and two pilots captured. After hours of silence, an official Indian
statement acknowledged that one of the IAF’s pilots was missing. In the
meantime, Pakistan had uploaded photos and videos of a captured pilot, Wing
Commander Abhinandan Varthaman. Later in the day, Pakistan walked back its
claim that it had captured two pilots but continued to maintain that it had
shot down two Indian aircraft. Meanwhile Indian officials claimed that a
MiG-21 had shot down an F-16 and its pilots had been seen parachuting into

So, from the precise and bloody destruction of a terror camp, the official
version had shifted to the symbolic significance of raiding Pakistani
territory (never mind the damage) and from there, in the face of the
undeniable fact of Wing Commander Abhinandan’s capture, to a bid to
establish parity in terms of planes lost. India hasn’t yet produced radar,
video or AWACS evidence for its claim. The one factor in favour of the
downed F-16 story is Pakistan’s own claim that it shot down two Indian
planes. Since there is no evidence to show that India lost a second plane,
it might just be the case that Pakistani spokesmen ran with the two-plane
theory and then backtracked because one of the planes was theirs: an F-16
perhaps, or one of its Chinese fighters, the JF-17 Thunder.

Without concrete proof of camp destruction or the shooting down of the
F-16, and faced with the embarrassment of a lost jet and a captured pilot,
the Indian story shifted again. The return of Wing Commander Abhinandan
became the new horizon. Politicians and anchors demanded his release... and
received it. Imran Khan, keen to earn global brownie points by
de-escalating and with the propaganda advantage of having made the only
documented ‘kill’ in this skirmish, promptly announced Abhinandan’s release
as a “gesture of peace”.

>From exacting vengeance for the 40 Indian soldiers killed by terrorists to
demanding the return of a single captured pilot, India’s strategic
objectives seemed to shrink. The Indian government staged a novel media
event where senior military officers appeared outside South Block, and took
turns to hold the shards of an AMRAAM air-to-air missile. Since this was a
missile only carried by F-16s, the point of this demonstration was to show
that Pakistan had used these planes against India in combat in breach of
its agreement with the US. From drawing bold new red lines to litigating
the use of military hardware, the official narrative had run aground.

And then the story took an extraordinary turn. On March 1, a report in The
Indian Express, quoting an anonymous Indian military official, claimed that
the IAF hadn’t crossed the border at all. In this version of the story,
Indian aircraft fired the Israeli missiles used for the strike from inside
the LoC. If this is true, then the image conjured up in the minds of
Indians following the news, of Mirages streaking deep into Pakistani
airspace and startling the enemy, has to be replaced by the considerably
more prosaic picture of Indian fighter aircraft acting as firing platforms
inside Indian territory. This isn’t entirely the fault of the official
narrative: a diet of second world war movies has us stuck in an obsolete
past where planes have to be vertically above the ground that they target.
But it does make you wonder what the sound and fury of the last week was
actually about.

If the Indian air force claims to have attacked non-military targets from
inside the LoC with little to show for it and if the Pakistan air force
claims to have fired missiles from its side of the border and hit open
ground, both sides can take issue with each other’s version of events, but
to the wider world the exchange will seem like an expensive and dangerous
charade pretending to be purposeful military action. Given that the one
documented casualty was suffered by IAF (which, in turn, allowed the
Pakistan military’s favoured client, Imran Khan, to act like a magnanimous
statesman), it’s hard to know what the prime minister has to show for his
vaunted boldness. A lost plane and a returned PoW seem to be the verifiable

And what of our chickenhawk anchors? Edward Thompson, the great historian,
once described an English journalist who specialized in publishing
government leaks as “a kind of official urinal in which, side by side, high
officials… stand patiently leaking in the public interest.” Marvellously
apposite though this is, it’s wrong in one particular: in the Indian case,
the high officials are redundant. The ‘journalists’ in question collect
their leaks at one remove, from news agencies as independent and as
committed to the truth as the Soviet TASS.


Peace Is Doable

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