[This is not a bogeyman. The BJP government at the centre brought in the
Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016 that is prima facie discriminatory
against Muslims and other religions. It seeks to provide citizenship to
“illegal migrants” from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, who are of
Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Christian extraction only. The bill,
thankfully, did not pass in the Rajya Sabha. Right now, the definition of
“illegal migrants” in the Citizenship Act, 1955 does not discriminate
against Muslims.

The implementation of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam, as
it has been pointed out, inherently discriminates against linguistic,
religious and ethnic minorities. Around 40 lakh people were left out of the
first NRC draft, many of whom have lived in Assam for generations but don’t
have official documents dating back to 1971 to prove their citizenship.

Amit Shah has referred to these people —mostly ethnic, religious and
linguistic minorities — as ‘infiltrators’ and ‘termites’, following in the
footsteps of one Adolf Hitler who referred to Jewish people as
‘cockroaches’ before he went ahead and killed at least 6 million jews and
launched a war that killed many more people.

(Excerpted from below.)

This is one promise (or two-three promises sandwiched into one?), one can
very well trust them, they'd initiate without much loss of time, if the
post-poll scenario permits, in order to trigger a civil warlike situation
countrywide, to cause intense polarisation across religious divides, so
very necessary for the destruction of "India" that had been born on August
15 1947, emerging out of and having been forged out in the crucible of the
epic freedom struggle, imbibing, however imperfectly, the rational,
humanitarian and modernist values espoused by that historic struggle and
displace it with a "Hindu Rashtra" - negating every legitimate notion of


6 Things That May Happen If The BJP Comes Back to Power
If we thought the last five years were bad, we haven’t seen anything yet.

By Mitali Agrawal

On Apr 19, 2019 Last updated Apr 20, 2019

BJP regime (Photo: Twitter/@India_Featured)

The possibility of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) retaining power
following the Lok Sabha election is legitimately frightening for a large
section of India’s population as the last five years have seen, among other
things, a rise in violence against Muslims and Dalits, crackdown on dissent
and civil liberties, high unemployment, poor economic growth and
anti-farmer and anti-worker policies.

To add to these fears, BJP leaders have been dropping hints about the
saffron party’s plans on what the next years may look like for the Indian
democracy. Based on it, here is a list of 5 things that are likely to
happen if the party comes back to power.

1. No more elections, obviously.

Don’t say BJP MP from Unnao Sakshi Maharaj didn’t warn us. While addressing
a gathering of party workers last month, he proudly proclaimed that 2019
election would be the last election of the Indian democracy if Prime
Minister Modi wins.

According to the saffron-clad so-called monk, there is an awakening in the
country and that “Hindu jag gaya hai (Hindus have awaken)”. He added,
“After this (2019) election, there will not be an election in 2024.”

Before you disregard his words as ramblings of a ‘motormouth’, remember
that party president Amit Shah had also said that the BJP would be in power
for the next 50 years. “We have not come to power for 5-10 years, but at
least 50 years. We should move forward with a conviction that in 40-50
years we have to bring major changes in the country through the medium of
power,” he had said.

2. Goodbye to the Constitution of India (as you know it), you had a good run

Pankaja Munde, a BJP minister in Maharashtra and the party’s Lok Sabha
candidate from Beed, said while addressing a poll rally this week, “This is
not a Zilla Parishad, but a Lok Sabha election. Mahamanav Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar wrote the Constitution. We have to change the Constitution, bring
new Bills and make some changes.”

constitution of India
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
If anyone has doubts about what kind of changes she might be referring to,
remember that the BJP’s ideological mothership, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh, wants India to be a ‘Hindu rashtra’. This blatant disregard for
constitutional values finds a friend in BJP’s loud proclamations of Hindu

Union Minister for Skill Development Ananth Kumar Hegde has also hinted at
dropping the word ‘secular’  from the constitution, “Some people say the
Constitution says secular and you must accept it. We will respect the
Constitution, but the Constitution has changed several times and it will
change in the future too. We are here to change the Constitution and we’ll
change it.”

3. Demonetisation Redux

PM Modi demonetised Rs 500 and 1000 notes on November 8, 2016, and the
Indian public forced to stand for long hours outside banks and ATMs was the
least terrible consequence of it. Reports have suggested that the policy
destroyed India’s informal economy, put millions out of a job and resulted
in the death of around 100 people.

People waiting in queue to exchange the demonetised notes
The decision was taken even though the RBI had expressly said that it would
do nothing to eradicate black money. And it didn’t since 99.3% of the
demonetised notes entered the banking system.

However, the government refuses to acknowledge that the policy has been a
failure. There have been allegations that after demonetisation, BJP chief
Amit Shah oversaw a large money laundering racket involving top government
officials, where black money was exchanged for a commission.

Also Read: Demonetisation: An Economic Atrocity We Must Never Forgive,
Never Forget

What exactly was the purpose of demonetisation? No one really knows.
Earlier this month, Union Minister Suresh Prabhu reiterated that the
measure was taken to eradicate black money. “This (demonetisation) was one
measure aimed at taking care of black money. I am not going to tell you
whether we need one more (round of it),” he said.

If the BJP does implement the policy again, it will come as a shock but not
as a surprise.

4. Say hello to legalised child marriage

The ruling party has time and again expressed their desire to restore the
worst practices of the Indian society.

BJP leader Gopal Parmar, who was an MLA in Madhya Pradesh before the 2018
assembly election, had referred to the law against child marriage as the
‘18-year disease‘ that causes ‘love jihad’, because the agency and health
of young girls can be sacrificed for bigotry.

“Earlier, the elders of the family used to fix marriages in the childhood,
and those relations used to last longer,” the erstwhile BJP MLA had said,
adding that “Since the government started this ‘18-year disease’, many
girls have started eloping as the fever of love jihad has gripped them.”

While he may no longer be a lawmaker, there is another BJP MLA who was
elected to office after she promised that she will not let the police take
action against child marriages.

While campaigning in Rajasthan’s Pali, now BJP MLA Shobha Chauhan had said,
“In your area, when younger girls are getting married, the police arrives.
It is very fortunate for all of you that both political and organisational
power is with us. If it is at my level, I will take care of it and if it is
at the level above mine, then I will get it done from those above me.
Hereon, if there is a such an event (child marriage), the police won’t come
to your house. I promise this to you.”

Chauhan may have won from the Pali seat but girls and women lost.

5. Dividing citizens into separate classes

One of the amazing thing about the Indian constitution is that it promises
us the right to equality irrespective of gender, language, caste and
religion. The state is not allowed to discriminate among the citizens based
on any such differences. However, it appears that the BJP is not really a
fan of this feature.

Union Minister Maneka Gandhi, addressing a rally in Pilibhit, told people
—Muslims— that she is going to win this election, with or without their
votes. She carefully added that in the event that they do not vote for her,
she will not give them jobs (lol because everyone else got so many jobs
under the Modi govt) and will not work for her.

Maneka Gandhi
Union Minister Maneka Gandhi (Photo: Facebook)

In another rally, she further told people, in detail,  how villages will be
categorised according to the share of people that voted for the BJP. ‘A’
grade for villages from where 80% of the votes are cast for the BJP; B
category villages where 60% of the vote share goes to the BJP; C category
for villages where 50% votes go to the BJP; and D category for the rest.

Moreover, she said that development work in these villages will be
prioritised in A villages, followed by B,C and D respectively.

6. Ethnic cleansing (or genocide)

This is not a bogeyman. The BJP government at the centre brought in the
Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016 that is prima facie discriminatory
against Muslims and other religions. It seeks to provide citizenship to
“illegal migrants” from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, who are of
Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Christian extraction only. The bill,
thankfully, did not pass in the Rajya Sabha. Right now, the definition of
“illegal migrants” in the Citizenship Act, 1955 does not discriminate
against Muslims.

The implementation of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam, as
it has been pointed out, inherently discriminates against linguistic,
religious and ethnic minorities. Around 40 lakh people were left out of the
first NRC draft, many of whom have lived in Assam for generations but don’t
have official documents dating back to 1971 to prove their citizenship.

Amit Shah has referred to these people —mostly ethnic, religious and
linguistic minorities — as ‘infiltrators’ and ‘termites’, following in the
footsteps of one Adolf Hitler who referred to Jewish people as
‘cockroaches’ before he went ahead and killed at least 6 million jews and
launched a war that killed many more people.

Also Read:  Editorial: Amit Shah’s Promise of Turning India Into a Fascist
Hindu State if Modi Comes to Power Again

Recently, Amit Shah said that after coming back to power, they will
implement NRC in the entire country. to remove “every single infiltrator”
except Buddhas, Hindus and Sikhs.

 We will ensure implementation of NRC in the entire country. We will remove
every single infiltrator from the country, except Buddha, Hindus and Sikhs:
Shri @AmitShah #NaMoForNewIndia

1:18 PM - Apr 11, 2019
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The BJP manifesto also promises a nation-wide NRC. Shah’s words carefully
excluded Muslims, Christians and other religious minorities. What Shah is
saying, is that the BJP government will expressly discriminate on the basis
of religion. If you think that the constitution will stop this from
happening because it espouses secularism, refer again to point number 2. If
you think that you will simply vote out the regime in case it implements
these draconian laws, refer to point number 1.

Hate crimes against minorities, especially Muslims and Christians have gone
up under this regime. Those persecuting religious minorities are even
rewarded by the state. You can read this Human Rights Watch report that
points out how the state protects these criminals, if you doubt this claim.

Also Read:  ‘Spare a Thought for Akhlaq’: An Open Letter to My Fellow
First-time Voters

The BJP has made its intention very clear and it would not be the first
regime in the history of the world to threaten minorities with taking away
their rights, expelling them from the country and unleashing violence
against them. Rohingyas in Myanmar, Jews in Germany and in other parts of
Europe, Muslims and Croats in Bosnia, Serbs in Croatia, Tutsis in Rwanda
have all been subjected to the worst that humanity has to offer. You don’t
even have to look at the world map, just refer to the several riots against
Muslims and Christians in India itself.

Srebrenica massacre
Gravestones at the Potočari genocide memorial near Srebrenica. Around 8,000
Bosniaks were killed in the Srebrenica massacre. Credits: Michael
Büker/Wikimedia Commons
If you’re still unable to grasp the horrors that probably await India’s
religious minorities, put yourself in their shoes for a minute. If your
entire life, your future and that of your family depended on producing
documents that were issued 50-60 years ago, would you not be scared?

Peace Is Doable

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