*Note: MS Word version of the letter and Indian and Bangladeshi Bills are

*ToxicsWatch Alliance (TWA)*


Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu

Hon’ble Chairman

Rajya Sabha

Parliament of India

New Delhi

Date: 05/12/2019

Subject-Request for referring *The Recycling Of Ships Bill, 2019* to
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment,
Forests and Climate Change to safeguard country’s maritime environment from
harmful and hazardous wastes and materials


With reference to the passage of 18 page long *The Recycling Of Ships Bill,
2019 *from the Lok Sabha on December 3, 2019, I wish to earnestly request
you to refer this Bill to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science &
Technology, Environment, Forests & Climate Change to safeguard country’s
maritime environment from hazardous wastes and materials. I have undertaken
research on the subject in question for over a decade and the related
aspects of hazardous wastes and materials since 2000 and have been an
invitee to the UN bodies, Parliamentary Committees and Hon’ble Supreme
Court’s committees for submissions on this subject. On behalf of
ToxicsWatch Alliance (TWA), I have been an applicant in the Hon’ble Court
in an effort to stop India from becoming a dumping of foreign toxic wastes
and end-of-life ships. It is noteworthy that India does not have an
exhaustive inventory of hazardous wastes and materials with their
environmental health impacts.

Having been in conversation with the inter-ministerial Ship Breaking Scrap
Committee since July 22, 2014 seeking compliance with the Shipbreaking
Code, 2013, Basel Convention, the only international/UN law on ship
breaking and having engaged with the Inter-Ministerial Committee on
Shipbreaking, Ministry of Steel in the past, I submit that the subject of
ship-breaking industry was under the Steel Ministry from 1983 to July 2014
before it was brought under the supervision of the Ministry of Shipping.
The fact remains ship breaking/recycling is a secondary steel production
activity, an activity which is beyond the competence of Ministry of

This Bill refers to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)’s Hong
Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound
Recycling of Ships, 2009 which was framed by the Marine Environment
Protection Committee (MEPC) and the Basel Convention on the Control of
Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, 1989. The
Ban Amendment which comes into force today (5 December, 2019) is related to
the latter. India is a party to the Basel Convention but not to the latter.

I wish to draw your attention towards enactment of The Bangladesh Ship
Recycling Act 2018 which  has been legislated by *Jatiya Sangsad* on 24
January, 2018 admittedly at the behest of foreign lobbies who wish to
create an world order where Free Trade in Hazardous Wastes and End-of-Life
Ships gets legalised so that major ship owning companies/countries can
escape decontamination cots. I am *enclosing a copy of the Bangladesh Ship
Recycling Act 2018 (Bangla text)*.  I have reliably learnt that that some
foreign global shipping lobbies are work to ensure that India ratifies
IMO's "Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally
Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 (the Hong Kong Convention)" which has not
come into force because shipbreakers, environmental and labour groups of
India, Bangladesh and Pakistan are opposed to it as it is anti-environment,
anti-workers and contrary to supreme national interest.

I submit that these lobbies have succeeded in Bangladesh. A bill titled,
'Bangladesh Ship Recycling Bill, 2018,' was passed in their parliament in
January 2018. The Bill was introduced by their Industries Minister Mr Amir
Hossain Amu and it was passed by voice vote. Under the new law, a 13-member
Board is supposed to be constituted to oversee the activities of the ship
recycling industries with an additional secretary of the Ministry of
Industries as its chairman in Bangladesh.

I submit  that ahead of the entry into force of the Ban Amendment to Basel
Convention which prohibits dumping of hazardous wastes and end-of-life
products in myriad disguises, it seemed surprising that on 20th November,
2019, Press Information Bureau, Government of India announced that Cabinet
has approved “proposal for enactment of Recycling of Ships Bill, 2019 and
accession to the Hong Kong International Convention for Safe and
Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009.” It seems the Cabinet which
rightly acknowledges that “The ship-recycling industry is a
labour-intensive sector, but it is susceptible to concerns on environmental
safety” has been misled by some external lobbies at work with an aim to
outwit India into disregarding its position against dumping of hazardous
wastes through linguistic corruption wherein waste is defined as “non-new
good” or recyclable material.

I submit that that the Parliamentary Committee on Science and Technology,
Environment, Forests and Climate Change may be asked to examine the
compelling logic for India to ratify the Ban Amendment that prohibits the
export of hazardous waste from more developed to less developed countries
and to examine reasons for recommending why India should not ratify the
Hong Kong Convention.

I submit that it is a matter of distressed that India’s callousness towards
the UN accord to stop the flow of hazardous wastes from developed to
developing countries like India is akin to opposing Hon’ble Prime
Minister’s Clean India Mission. It is also in violation of Hon’ble Supreme
Court’s verdict in Writ Petition (Civil) No.657 of 1995 based on the
 recommendations of Prof. M.G.K. Menon headed High Powered Committee on
Hazardous Wastes that dealt with ship breaking at length. Such indifference
lowers the stature of India and its scientific community because it is
contrary to sustainable consumption and the circular economy as well as the
Sustainable Development Goals. Our India cannot be turned into a land of
landfills for foreign hazardous wastes. Unless all the waste that is
generated in our own country has been treated and disposed of in an
environmentally sound manner how can hazardous waste import be permitted?

I submit that passage of *The Recycling of Ships Bill, 2019* by Rajya Sabha
will tantamount to ratification of the Hong Kong Convention which
facilitates trade in hazardous wastes related to end-of-life ships, which
are also hazardous wastes as per Basel Convention. How can this  happen in
a business as usual manner unmindful of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Clean
India Mission and Hon’ble Court’s verdict. This position is inconsistent
with National Environment Policy that includes strategies for cleanup of
toxic and hazardous waste dump legacies, developing a national inventory of
such dumps, an online monitoring system for movement of hazardous wastes
and taking legal measures for addressing emergencies arising out of
transportation, handling, and disposal of hazardous wastes. India’s
current position
seems to be inconsistent with our Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Clean India

According to the verdict of Hon’ble Court, “Hazardous Wastes are highly
toxic in nature.  The industrialization has had the effect of generation of
huge quantities of hazardous wastes.  These and other side effects of
development gave birth to principles of sustainable development so as to
sustain industrial growth. The hazardous waste required adequate and proper
control and handling.  Efforts are required to be made to minimise it.  In
developing nations, there are additional problems including that of dumping
of hazardous waste on their lands by some of the nations where cost of
destruction of such waste is felt very heavy.  These and other allied
problems gave birth to Basel Convention.”  This verdict has been given in
Writ Petition (Civil) No.657 of 1995. The Convention was made part of its
order by the Hon’ble Court due to alarming situation created by dumping of
hazardous waste, its generation and serious and irreversible damage, as a
result thereof, to the environment, flora and fauna, health of animals and
human beings. Hon’ble Court took cognizance of dumping of hazardous wastes
in Indian waters as violation of Article 14 and 21 of the Constitution of
India. It is evident from it that the position of this Indian delegate
betrays his ignorance about the issue;

I wish inform you that such motivated attempts have attracted widespread
criticism from environment, public health groups and even the Confederation
of Indian Industry (CII) when hazardous wastes and hazardous materials and
recyclable materials was being made synonymous. by redefining "hazardous
waste" as "hazardous material" in a manifest act of linguistic corruption.
It is noteworthy that in a study, Associated Chambers of Commerce &
Industry (ASSOCHAM) also recommended ban on trade in hazardous wastes. Two
members of Hon’ble Court's own monitoring committee on hazardous wastes
have also raised objections They who are complicit in promoting hazardous
waste dumping in our country are doing so at the behest of hazardous waste
traders. Their role needs to be probed by the Parliamentary Committee.

I wish to draw your attention towards Basel Convention’s very clear and
simple definition of waste: wastes are materials which are disposed of, or
intended to be disposed of, or required to be disposed of, to the
environment”. Hon’ble Court’s verdict has directed the Union of India to
incorporate the Basel list in the existing Rules and had actively argued
for expanding the list of prohibited items for import. If India does not
revise its position it will amounts to a formal announcement that India is
welcoming globalisation of the toxic hazardous waste and its arrival in
Indian waters. Instead of falling into the trap of hazardous waste traders,
India should call for the development of guidance to aid countries to help
prohibit efforts to reclassify hazardous waste as non-waste in an exercise
of circuitous definition. Hazardous waste exporters from rich countries
have been consistently seeking to export toxic scrap to India and likewise,
there has been a similar trend among businesses in the India to import such
waste. This is being done despite the fact that National Environment Policy
acknowledges how "Environmental factors are estimated as being responsible
in some cases for nearly 20 percent of the burden of disease in India";

I submit that India must take a principled stand in tune with the main
principles of this UN treaty which are: transboundary movements of
hazardous wastes should be reduced to a minimum consistent with their
environmentally sound management; hazardous wastes should be treated and
disposed of as close as possible to their source of generation; and
hazardous waste generation should be reduced and minimized at source. The
present position is contrary to these principles and stands in manifest
contrast with its position in 1992.

Sir, you may recollect that by decision III/1, of September 22, 1995, at
COP-3, the Third meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to
the above Convention that took place in Geneva in September 1995, adopted
an Amendment to the Convention. This bans the export of hazardous wastes
for final disposal and recycling from rich countries to poorer countries.
This Article reads as follows: “Instruments of ratification, approval,
formal confirmation or acceptance of amendments shall be deposited with the
Depositary. Amendments adopted in accordance with paragraphs 3 or 4 [of
article 17 of the Convention] shall enter into force between Parties having
accepted them on the ninetieth day after the receipt by the Depositary of
their instrument of ratification, approval, formal confirmation or
acceptance by at least three-fourths of the Parties who accepted them or by
at least two thirds of the Parties to the protocol concerned who accepted
them, except as may otherwise be provided in such protocol. The amendments
shall enter into force for any other Party on the ninetieth day after that
Party deposits its instrument of ratification, approval, formal
confirmation or acceptance of the amendments.” The Ban Amendment has now
entered into force without India. Its parent treaty, the Basel Convention
is in force and India is a party to it.

I submit that under the influence of countries like USA, Germany, United
Kingdom, Australia, Canada, South Korea and Japan in general and U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business federation representing
the interests of more than 3 million businesses, International Chamber of
Commerce, US Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and Bureau of
International Recycling (BIR), the international trade federation
representing the world’s recycling industry, India’s position  have faced
continued dilution. These countries and interests never wished Basel
Convention, Ban Amendment and compliant Rules to come into force.

I submit that the Parliamentary Committee on Science and Technology,
Environment, Forests and Climate Change may be requested to examine how as
part of Clean India Mission, our Government can try to regain its original
stance of being a strong opponent of the international waste trade and an
ardent supporter ban on toxic waste exports from the world’s richest
countries to less industrialized ones. Government of India should recollect
its position at the First Conference of Parties to the Basel Convention in
Piriapolis, Uruguay, from 3-4 December, 1992. Shri A. Bhattacharja, Head of
the Indian delegation who pleaded with industrialized countries to stop
exporting hazardous waste. “You industrial countries have been asking us to
do many things for the global good — to stop cutting down our forests, to
stop using your CFCs. Now we are asking you to do something for the global
good: keep your own waste.” Government of India was firm even at the Second
Basel Convention Conference of Parties, in March 1994 and advocated ban on
all hazardous waste exports from the world’s most  industrialized
countries, the members of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) to non-industrialized countries like India. It was only
in 1995 that Government of India revised its position at the Third Basel
Conference of Parties in September 1995 under the harmful influence of
representatives of the US and Australia.

I submit that US Government and ICC have been instrumental in outwitting
the UN ban on hazardous waste trade through bilateral Free Trade Agreements
between countries. In one of its position paper on the Basel Convention,
ICC has even called for the ban on hazardous waste to be stopped by the
World Trade Organization (WTO) because it is trade disruptive. This
undermines the customary environmental law principles.

To safeguard our country’s environmental security and maritime security,
India should not allow itself to be misled by hazardous waste traders who
are blinded by their lust for profit at any human and environmental cost.
In any case the truth about who all were immorally, unethically and
unpatriotically complicit with merchants of death, the hazardous waste
traders and who all defended public health will not remain hidden for long.
This is required to ensure that foreign toxic waste does not flow in the
veins and arteries of present and future Indians

In view of the above facts, I wish to request you to save India from
becoming the dumping ground of rich countries by referring *The Recycling
of Ships Bill, 2019 *to the above mentioned Parliamentary Committee.

Thanking you in anticipation

warm regards

Gopal Krishna, LL.B., Ph.D


First Floor, A-124/6

Katwaria Sarai

New Delhi-110016

Mb: 9818089660

E-mail: 1715kris...@gmail.com

Web: www.toxicswatch.org

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Attachment: TWA Letter to Chairman, Rajya Sabha Dec 5, 2019.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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