Dear Andreas

Thanks. TortoiseCVS works fine for me.


2009/1/27  <andreas.rosenblad(a)>:
> gretl-users-bounces(a) skrev 2009-01-26 21:48:47 :
>> On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 andreas.rosenblad(a) wrote:
>> > I would suggest that you use TortoiseCVS:
>> >
>> >
>> > After installing TortoiseCVS, open Windows Explorer and click on the
> File
>> > menu entry or click on the right mouse button. You will then see two
> new
>> > menu entries: CVS Checkout... and CVS. Choose CVS Checkout... and enter
> as
>> > follows:
>> > Protocol: Password server
>> > Server:
>> > Repository folder: /cvsroot/gretl
>> > User name: yi-nung
>> Just checking -- but does the "password server" protocol really
>> work for developer CVS on sourceforge?  I thought you needed to
>> upload a public key and use the "ext" method, but maybe I'm wrong.
> Sorry. Firstly, it should be "Server:", not "
> Server:". Secondly, as Allin says, it should be
> "Protocol: Secure Shell", not "Protocol: Password server". The latter is
> only used for getting the source code via anonymous pserver authentication,
> not for uploading code.
> Details for the configuration of TortoiseCVS are found here:
> Andreas
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